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Stealth/Hybrid mode.

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One of the ideas this great forum has introduced me to is the concept of a stealth and/or hybrid mode.

It may be as simple as just underdressing in your favourite lingerie.

Or add elements of feminine clothing, androgynous clothing, or a mix.

Women have been wearing male apparel since the '60s at least. Jeans, pant suits, shorts. Wouldn't it be wonderful to move towards an acceptance that men can also move in the other direction? Maybe it is starting to happen, Kilts have always been there, Utilikilts are out there, and androgynous fashion is starting to challenge boundaries.

I've recently got some womens polo shirts - the cut is a bit different, the sleeves shorter, the buttons on the other side. And a super soft blouse which looks like a jeans shirt, sort of.
Some jeggings as well. Looking for some feminine jeans which I can wear with heeled booties.

It might not be obvious to most casual observers, but you know, and you know how it makes you feel, and that is the important thing.


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I have been buying and wearing to work and around home everyday... Women's Levis 525 Perfect waist straight leg jeans for 5-6 years now... to my knowledge no one is the wiser.

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I have a few gal shirts that you wouldn't notice unless you were looking very hard at it.

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I just love doing that, I always under dress, but going out with women's skinny jeans and a colorful top and bra, covered by coat now because it's cold, but should the right time come I can always zip down the coat a bit.. Last week I ventured into the local convenience store to get soda, I had on a cute top, leggins and open toe flats click clack, click clack, I love that sound ha ha and my color ful toes showing.......

Love, love, love doing it !!!!

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That's fabulous, Candy!  I started in hybrid mode (like to think I coined the term but who knows:)!  This has really worked for me!  I am on the look out for some blouses, and such.  More shoes too.

I wear womens jeans exclusively now.  I love skinny jeans, especially the ones that are very tapered at the ankle.  Wearing my favorite pair today, that have the little zippers at the bottom, very femme, and my femme loafers.  It took a while to find shoes that were femme, but not.  One day while shopping at the local Goodwill store a young woman working there was wearing a pair I really loved.  She told me all about there, where she bought them, what brand, other colors (which I am going to get), I went out and bought a pair!  I love them!

I always wear panties and cammies on the weekends, like today.  I look pretty femme today in my dress, and love it.  I know people realize what I'm wearing now, the coffee shop people don't care, they are all young and cool, the other people I see regularly (that I only know by greeting each other at the coffee shop) notice, but seem cordial none the less.

I'm still have not run into anyone I really know well, but it is only a matter of time.  I'm anxious about that, and when I'm out with my SO (on weekends) I know she notices, has not said anything to this point, but I hope she does not feel odd running around with me, when (I think) I look as femme as she does, where my dressing is concerned.

Good luck and stay in touch!  Let me know how you are doing!



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Hi Candy, Love what you wrote. I have been doing this [wearing women's clothing stealthly] for a year or two.  I started by wearing the women's jeans and other slacks with polo tops. Only recently a guy at church noticed the reverse button polos and tried to rat on me to my friends- they shut him down - lol

I love wearing all women's clothing most all of the time. Especially the button down tops. I have become used to working the buttons now. I even mastered the little hidden buttons on some tope that are supposed prevent wardrobe accidents (lol).

-Terri Anne

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I began wearing pantyhose with shorts out when I was 17. After doing that a while I wanted to improve my look. Show my legs better. I bought some short girl's shorts and began wearing them. That was am improvement but my shoes were boring and not enhancing my legs. I bought a few pairs of platform wedges. That was much better.

As I was buying the short girls shorts, I managed to get several pairs of teeny athletic shorts. They were fun to wear at home with sheer to waist pantyhose but wearing them out was too risque. I had some shirts that were long. When I wore them they looked like a short dress. When at home they were what I wore mostly with my pantyhose. When I wore the shirts over my teeny athletic shorts, the shirts completely covered my shorts. I got the idea I could wear those shorts out if I wore the shirt over them. The shorts were hidden mostly and if the shirt happened to creep up I was covered.

With the pantyhose and platforms this was a great look. I had to try it out. I began to shop for and buy more clothes, especially pantyhose dressed like that. My hair was kind of long and I seemed to project a feminine appearance. Women would ask me about the pantyhose I was wearing and was it what I was buying. They told me if they had legs like mine they would show them off the way I do too. it was odd. Maybe I was looking too much like a girl.

Then one day I met a girl while buying pantyhose who thought I looked sexy but was surprised I just didn't dress fully as a girl. After being together for a while she go me she got me some nice outfits and had me wear one of them for a college Halloween Party. I loved it. I began dressing fem all the time.

Hybrid dressing led me to fully fem dressing. I love it. I guess once you put on that first garment you can't go back.

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Hi Candy.

I would like to pick up on what you said about how women are able to wear what most considered men's clothing and society is ok with it.

It wasn't always like that. First women who dared wearing slacks (in our modern Western civilizations) were met with criticism and scorn from society. But they persisted and well, here we are today where it is almost unheard of for any woman to own and wear only skirts and dresses.

Will it be totally ok for men to wear skirts and dresses in our society? I think that it will, at some point. However, the biggest difference here is intention. Women who started wearing slacks did it for comfort, for safety, and some ever just fighting for equal rights.

Personally, even if it was ok for men to start wearing skirts and dresses which were designed and made for men... I don't think that I would wear them. Because my intention is not only about wearing the clothes, but to be able to present as a woman. It is not only because women's clothes are softer, nicer, more designs and colors.

Also, another big hurdle is that we still live in a society where most men still consider women to be less capable, weaker, etc. So they still see moving towards what is feminine as a "downgrade". (Please don't anybody thing that is how I feel! Au contraire!)

Some societies are changing. Just look at the K-pop culture... feminine men are not only tolerated, they are idolized, both by girls and boys. So, it may not be soon, but who knows? Younger generations seem to be able to see past many things that were considered scandalous in the past, so maybe, just maybe...



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When I dress I am always in this mode... so far.  For me it started undressing. Panties and pantyhose.  Then I moved to covert women's shoes with some cute visible socks .  Then, I finally started to risk a bit and would try flats or 1-2" booties with men's jeans but realized quickly that I would like some women's jeans to go along with them.  My first pairs were boot cut to hide the shoes.  I transitioned in to skinnys, and now love to wear them out with some flats or booties clearly visible.  Just recently I bought my first tops and will wear polos, crew necks, or button downs that are clearly women's if you take the time to look.  I recently had an amazing shopping experience where I was in these amazing cropped  cargo jeans with zippers on the back of the cuff, a ribbed sweater with 3/4 sleeves and white quilted high tops.  It was such a good experience I plan on going back next week in even more feminine clothes.  I have my top picked out - it is a black & tan striped wrap around blouse with a lacy cami underneath.  I think I am going to wear these white leggings that show panty lines and are almost sheer when you bend over with a pair of tan t-strap flats.  Or possible knee boots.  My goal is to wear a dress or skirt in there, but I have not yet worked up the nerve.

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Funny Candy!  I was going to post about this, this morning!

In full hybrid mode today!  Going to spend part of the day shopping with my SO in "The City by The Bay"!  Really excited!  The difficult part about today will be the shopping.  I'm going to see things I'd love to try on and or buy, but will not be able to!  🙁  SO does not go for this sort of thing.

But it's part of my milestone birthday, and living my life.  (see my other post "As Time Goes Bi".  🙂

Got up early, had my things out last night (hidden) so they were easy to grab.

Black cammie, nice and soft, high cut black bikini panties, nice black tights and my favorite gurl jeans that have this wonderful clandestine pattern printed on them, my bright red "cowboy" shirt with black snap buttons for that pop of color, "topped" off with my gurl, very femme loafers and my black Levi jacket!

I love this outfit, feel so femme in it all!  Can't wait to get out there and show everyone!  (Already did at the coffee shop this morning!)

Oh sorry, one other thing.  When I wear my cammies the little spaghetti straps slip off my shoulders.  I have to reach into my shirt and adjust them.  I find this so pleasurable to have to do.  It's very femme!  Anyone else feel/do this, or have other "femme" behaviors that make you feel this way?


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One more note about today's accessories then I'll shut up!  🙂

I am wearing my little black shoulder bag as well.  I bought this a while back to carry my wallet and phone.  (I absolutely hate carrying things in my pocket!)

My SO knows this and has seen this bag, and I've embellished it with more "manly" accents, but its still a gurls little bag!

Sorry, I'm just excited to step out today!

X's and O's!


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one other thing. When I wear my cammies the little spaghetti straps slip off my shoulders. I have to reach into my shirt and adjust them. I find this so pleasurable to have to do. It’s very femme! Anyone else feel/do this, or have other “femme” behaviors that make you feel this way?

I find myself doing the same thing when wearing some bras.

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What a fun day it was, being out in my gurl jeans, shoes tights, etc.  It was great!  Had a few looks and loved it!

Saw plenty of gurl things I would have really loved to try on, but any event, I did try on a pair of guy jeans in a new color I wanted, and they just did not feel good, like gurl jeans so I did not get them!

I'm going to go look for gurl jeans tomorrow!


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I want to do this! I absolutely love my skinny jeans! But the furthest I've made it is a walmart parking lot😟

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Hi Samantha,

You can try your local thrift/second hand stores too.  If you are unsure about size do what I did.  I went to the mens section and picked a pair of jeans in my size, then took them to the womens section and compared the waist to a pair of womens jeans.  Worked perfect!  Size 10 in womens!

Love it, wearing some now!

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