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When I'm scrolling through fashion websites there are certain styles that I immediately exclude from consideration due to my height (short) and age (old) but there are also other styles that I just don't like. For me the words asymmetric hem or cut out detail or wrap-around in the description of a clothing item are red flags for me and I carry on scrolling. I'm not sure if this aversion to certain styles is because they don't suit me or it's just because they're not to my probably very biased taste. So this got me wondering if any other CDH girls also have certain fashion styles that they would never consider wearing not because of something like body shape or age but just through good old fashioned prejudice that they can't rationalise.
Veronica xx
I won't wear strapless or one shoulder tops/dresses. This a practical consideration based on my large breasts.
It's the really frilly/sexy underwear that's a big NO for me. I tried a sexy bustier once, NEVER again will one come anywhere near me. Apart from so very awkward to put on, the mirror said, "Don't be so stupid mate!" 😀
I'll stick to "normal" everyday styles that all the women around me wear on a daily basis, you know, leggings, denim skirts & so on.
Cold shoulder anything drives me crazy. I see other women in them and they look fine. Me? I look like a full back with the Raiders. The other clothes I just can’t wear are clingy stretchy materials. I adore them but no matter what I do, they just don’t fit right sadly.
I'm with you on the wrap-around, Veronica. That open flap down the front always seems fraught with some unforeseen peril.
I avoid colourful floral print dresses. Not that there's anything wrong with them, they're just not for me.
Deep V-necks are another thing I shy away from.
I love turtleneck sweaters, but the 'cowl' itself is often too loose and not high enough for my taste.
Really short skirts. While I like a bit of leg showing, and I love to see a woman in a short skirt the mini minis are too much of a good thing.
I'm with you on wrap round dresses Veronica and really can't figure out why. Is it because of the awful wrap round flowered affairs the 'Mrs Mops' wore with a turban on the head back in the day. I had an aversion to button through dresses and even blouses, I didn't like buttons, another strange aversion. To masculine like buttoned shirts but I have overcome that now.
We do have some odd foibles.
I found a pretty red dress once. Cute, sleeveless, edgy slit opening above the bosom. I thought it looked fab...until I saw a photo of me in it. All I could see was big old 'man' shoulders and arms. It's going to be a 'no' from me, thank you. 🙂
I would note that off the shoulder pieces surprisingly have the reverse effect.
My dressing is more just average everyday tops, dress's, leggings. When looking for a dress or tops I too stay away from cold shoulder, wrap around dress's and skirts and I don't buy anything sleeveless I look more for short, 3/4 sleeve, and long. I'm okay with buttons seeing how I just leave a few undone at the top sop I can just slip it on over my head. Like others have said I like more solids and I'm just kinda a plain jane girl............
I’m tall and thin so I avoid pencil skirts that emphasize my skinniness. I like to wear clingy tops with flouncy poofed up skirts and dresses that widen my hips and show a bit less leg. I feel more feminine and fit in better.
I have one asymmetrical hem dress which is nice but i'm not crazy about the style and won't buy any more. Also don't like peplum style outfits at all. I stay away from pencil skirts because I don't tuck. I don't like the feeling of clothing rubbing on my (sensitive) neck so turtlenecks and high neck dresses & tops are out.
I generally shy away from anything that shows too much skin. trust me, no one wants to see a 60 plus year old in a halter top and mini skirt. Unless she has an exceptionally good-looking body and the skin to go with it. The fact is that very few do. You will quickly feel the scorn of other women and the snicker of men and kids if you push this beyond your capabilities.
Other than that, if it fits and still looks good, I may try to wear it. Some things are just fun to wear. However certain styles aren't for everyone. I knew this dressing as a man and women know this as well. I recently walked an entire Mall and actually looked hard at many pieces but couldn't find anything worth trying on. It was all just way too young for me. Oh, if I had been 20 something I could have had a trunk load of really cute things.
Interesting topic. Loved reading the replies.
For myself I would have to say it is a bit of a mix. I like the classic look which is most of the dresses I wear, although I do have a few that are more casual. I have a couple of sun dresses with handkerchief hems that are fun to wear. I have one Aline skirt and 3 pleated skirts that are mid calf. Most of my tops are pull over but I do have some button blouses. I really like peasant tops with puffy sleeves or looses sleeves. I also prefer 3/4 or full sleeves as I don't shave my arms. I also have leggings, jeans and dress slacks that I wear on occasion but not very often. I only dress at home so don't worry about what others think but wear what I think would be okay if I were to go out. My wife says if I'm going to dress I should look pretty so her stamp of approval helps in deciding what to wear.
I've been thinking about my sense of fashion lately for a very practical reason.
My side of the closet is bursting, trying to hold in my male and feminine items. A metaphor - like a tiny low cut bra for very mature breasts.
I love thrift shopping and almost always find something to both support the local businesses and to reward myself for a few hours out. Adding and not subtracting items, I'm lucky to have a lot of wonderful things for all sorts of role playing dressing up alone adventures. The problem is the lack of space.
I started trying to clean up my closet a few weeks ago. It got me thinking...if I was practical, I should only keep things I'd wear out and things that fit or are close to fitting.
If my wife ever understands my need to wear a dress, she definitely wouldn't understand my need to have so many dresses, almost as many as hers, yet many of mine are just impractical.
My dilemma is that I don't shop and keep thinking of fashion dos and don'ts. Everything looks pretty, everything is to reinforce that my fem side is alive and well.
Example, I have 40 bras, 3-4 worn daily, 3-4 monthly, and the rest pretty little things for a hopeful day that probably never come... being a full-time CD. They're all so fem, I hate to get rid of any of them. A women's fashion blog suggested that a woman only needs 5-6 good bras. My wife has 5-6 good bras. Yet I have 40.
I started sorting my fem closet into things I'd dare wear outside. I still don't see the light though.
Back to my own don'ts...
- No cheeky shorts for me, don't want to look like a CD who is a perv showing off things
- No stripper heels with the glass platforms (just not sexy to me, daily and formal heels are sexy to me)
- No tiny undies where things fall out
- No clogs, something reminds me of too many decades ago
- No jeans where most of the leg is cut out
- No on frilly blouses
- No on nude pantyhose with open toe sandals, my hairy legs look better
- No on anything teen brands and styles
- No on 2-piece suits, a dress or jumpsuit and jacket looks much better
- No on most facial makeup
- No on wearing rings
- No on "too much" skin
When I do venture out dressed, my dos are always...
- Dress to look like I'm a guy wearing feminine things neck-down
- Dress cute
- Dress to fit in for the day, time, weather, setting
- Dress to be somewhat comfortable
- Dress in case I have to defend myself (fear of creepy people out there) (heels can be defensive.. lol)
- Carry extra gut clothes in case of emergency or my wife getting back home before I do
Thanks for starting this topic, it was very introspecting.