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I’ve been thinking about the idea of growing my hair out longer. I used to have shoulder length hair as a pre-teen (and actually got confused as a girl more than a few times ironically enough) but have been fairly clean cut all through my 20s.
The past month or so I’ve sort of… subconsciously, put off going to the barber and let my hair grow out a little bit. I still generally have it in the same style right now but it’s definitely gone past where I would normally schedule a haircut. My wife has always been more in support of the clean cut look since I met her, but today I asked her how she felt about how my hair is looking now that its a little longer than it normally would be and she surprisingly said she’s coming around on it!
She’s still very much getting used to the idea of there being a femme side to me so I’ve been careful not to push things on her and had already decided that if she really wanted me to, I would get it cut. So I was pretty thrilled to hear her change of heart!
Are there others out there that have let their natural hair grow out? And if so, what kind of styles do you use for both your male and female sides? Even though my wife may be okay with it, I do need to still have a somewhat tidy looking male side for the day to day and going to work!
- Bella
Hi Bella, I've always had longer than average hair but during covid I just stopped cutting it altogether. Now I keep it about half way down my chest and get the ends cut about every 8 months. Each day I usually put it up in a ponytail or pull it through the back of my baseball cap and then go about my daily work. If I feel like letting my hair down (literally), I just blow it all out after a shampoo and end up looking like Dyan Cannon. Conversely, when I want to look very businesslike, I slick it down tightly and then put it in a very tight ponytail that I tuck under my collar. I'm intersex so people read whatever they want when they meet me and I couldn't care less. Long hair is a lot more work but if I like my hair then it's going to be a good day. Good luck with yours. Marg
A timely topic for me. I have been growing mine out since late summer last year. (wish i had wrote down my start date) Currently now down about 3 or 4 inches below my neck in length. I hope to get it down to mid back and then work up the courage to get it styled with a slight trim in a feminine look.
Currently, i tie it back with a scrunchie, and tuck it under a ball cap to avoid any awkward questions from friends & neighbors, similar to Marg, and may go her route putting the ponytail thru the back of the cap. A bonus is.. with a wig currently, i push the tied hair up under the back of the wig which makes a great anchor for it.
I have the same plan as Ellie for the future of my natural hair. Very best of luck with it Bella, & so nice & encouraging to hear about your wife's take on it.