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Surprising things I am learning… nails

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Reputable Member     Houston, Texas, United States of America
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So I recently started growing out my natural nails and using polish. Having wet / not fully hardened polish on my nails is making realize how little attention, as a man, I ever paid to what my individual finger tips were doing as I went thru the day. Having one by one done something to damage the finish on the polish I just applied changed that quickly. I am now… I think the word I want is.. mindful… of what each finger is doing! lol… live and learn! 

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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
Posts: 2204


Tell me about it! I can make a fair job of painting my nails on both hands but, mere minutes later, there's a smudge, chip or gouge.

However, because of this, I've learned to use surgical gloves when I have to re-do the damaged one(s). This prevents the remover from removing the intact ones. Also, never do it when my wife is there. Saves listening to, "Seriously? Again?" 🙄.

But, when it works, fabulous!

Don't give up 😊

Allie x


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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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That's an unexpected but very useful tip!

Big Love Eyes

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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
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Born out of many many mistakes!

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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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It's genius!


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Famed Member     Roland, Iowa, United States of America
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@sailor2000 Hearing a lot of these problems I went to a salon had tips put on and then gel nails. To a certain extent they are indestructible, although I have had problems with nails popping off and occasionally ripping off (oh the pain). Now after doing this for over 3 years I am so much more careful and am keeping nice nails a quarter to a third of an inch long.

It will be even easier for me in 3 weeks when I retire. 


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Famed Member     London , Kent, United Kingdom
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@loneleycd congratulations on your retirement honey. I can highly recommend it. Although in my case it hasn't given me any more opportunities to dress 😢 xx.

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Honorable Member     Queensland, Australia
Posts: 314

@sailor2000 my wife usually does my nails for me, however l am slowly learning how to do my nails, not as easy as it looks. I also put my lipstick on by myself recently, l put make-up on and my wife touches it up if needed,  l am slowly getting better at it and learning to appreciate how much a woman put into looking good

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Noble Member     California, United States of America
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@sailor2000 I started doing my toes about a year ago. It's been an interesting time of learning, and lots of YouTube tips.

Things like avoiding socks for hours after, taking time to remove nail polish, fixing smudges and other little messes, thin coats, and spending an hour on nails after years as a guy not taking any care like that. 

Mindful is the word. Details, patience, learn from experience.

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Honorable Member     Queensland, Australia
Posts: 314

@lea-jhene yes it's quite a learning experience however an enjoyable one

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Noble Member     Wick, Caithness, United Kingdom
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@sailor2000 I learned fairly quickly that you need to take care for a few hours until it's fully cured. Trouble is, they are still pretty vulnerable even then. Having re done mine over the weekend  (base coat, 2 colour coats & a top coat) I knocked a big chunk off 2 of them adjusting some drawer fittings in the kitchen yesterday. Grrr....

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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
Posts: 2204


You'd think in this day and age, they could come up with a nail varnish that can withstand heavy manual labour! 

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Noble Member     Wick, Caithness, United Kingdom
Posts: 804

@alexina My thoughts exactly, I'm considering inventing a range of colour coordinated epoxy resin paint. That should do it!

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Honorable Member     Queensland, Australia
Posts: 314

@sashabennett yes been there and it's not fun when that happens 😞

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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Thanks for the tip. nails are one of those procedures that take time and care and looking after them becomes part of the process.

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Reputable Member     Massachusetts, United States of America
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Dear FingerNailers,

I have this thing, IF THEY AIN'T DONE,  MISSION AIN'T COMPLETE....I can squeak by with mascara without false eyelashes but fingernails without length and or color is like heading out without my hair piece.

Since I need to plan ahead and identify precisely my window of opportunity,  I use the 'night before plan'. If "Doll Up Day" is tomorrow, I'm doing my nails tonight. I've purchased 'extra short' almond nails. I've written down the 'size number' of the fake-nail to the designated fingernail. I lay them out.  Pinky to thumb for the left hand. Thumb to pinky for the right. The nails are clean, dry, and oil free (rubbing alcohol and or bourbon).  I have a pair of tweezers, a pair of ADJUSTABLE PLIERS and a OLD CREDIT CARD which I cut in half the LONG WAY using a pair of scissors.

According to the manufacturers instructions and using a pair of tweezers, grab the "stiff half" of the FAKE FINGERNAIL.  I then dab glue onto the FAKE FINGER NAIL - "the flexible half." I place the FAKE FINGERNAIL onto the table, glued-side up. Next, I dab glue onto the real fingernail area- above the cuticle and up. With tweezers, REgrab the FAKE FINGERNAIL, place it onto my natural nail (at a 45 degree angle), gently position it IN LINE with my natural fingernail.


HERE COMES MY CRUCIAL STEP.......FOLD/BEND THE CREDIT CARD AROUND THE GLUED FINGERNAIL and APPLY PRESSURE WITH THE ADJUSTABLE PAIR OF PLIERS for 60 will discover that if and when applying pressure with your own thumb and forefingers, you would have weakened the adhesion of those previously glued fingernails and they would have become your eventual 'POP OFF CASUALTIES'...It's the pressure from the PLIERS and the DISBURSEMENT of that PRESSURE with the aid of  the PLASTIC CREDIT CARD which will 'hold your nails' throughout the night PLUS NOT LEAVE MARKINGS from THE PLIER MOUTH.

I'd like to hear from all you SEMI-NAILERS who aspire to my desire- Can't leave home without pretty nails, can't trust the 'gel stick pads'...and those nails ALWAYS POP OFF SOMETIME throughout the night. I guarantee, you'll be wearing them the DAY AFTER DOLL UP and THE DAY AFTER THAT...

Unless, of course, YOU HAVE A BETTER a DRILL PRESS?!?!?!

Sincerely and With Love,


PS...Oops....Don't forget to PAINT!....

















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Trusted Member     Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom
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Just my personal input, but I have found painting my toenails so much easier than my fingernails. In the past week, I have painted my toenails, then 3 days later removed the nail varnish and applied a different colour. I actually found removing the first colour to be more hassle than applying it.

When it came to painting my fingernails..... well, that was when the fun started! Being right handed, painting my left hand nails was ok. They needed a slight touch up, but no drama. But using my left hand on my right side.... oh dear, 2 or 3 goes on some nails 🤦‍♀️

And next day, removing my fingernail polish so could go out in the world..... that took longer than applying it. No real point to this point, other than sharing my drama, and hopefully giving you all a chuckle.

Love, Tamara 💋

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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
Posts: 2204


Hi, Tamara.

At the risk of stating the obvious, I use two methods for my right hand (I'm right handed too). 1: place my hand on a flat surface that doesn't matter if it gets varnish on. Find some way to support the left hand, I try to rest the heel of my hand on the same surface. Paint slowly and carefully. 

2: hold my right hand up, palm towards my face and curl my fingers down. It's more difficult to support the left hand this way but it has the advantage of gravity!

Even so, it's no easy task. I think I'll try going for a manicure and varnish 🤔.

Allie x


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