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Hi everyone,
Tho I have used false stick on nails many times in the past, I've never mastered the art of having them stay on for the 24-36 hours I was dressed as Caty and I was always very scared of leaving "evidence" laying around for my SO to find afterwards.
A couple of weeks ago I went to a new make up artist for a makeover, someone who is also a very good hair and wig person and spends lots of time working in theatre productions.
When it came to attaching my nails, with the the ones that would not stay on, she put some normal nail glue over the existing little self adhesive pads.
So Voila.. when the time came to take them off, they were "stuck like glue" (GGGGRRRROOOOANNNN) to the pad and not my nail.
Now there's something I'll be doing for sure in future and for the first time she used long pink nails and they looked just great.
I'm outa here before I get "nailed" for bad puns.
Hi again Caty! Re: your nails....I can see your point...OMG am I the Princess of puns, the wizardess of words???? Shades of the Gong Show LOL. The stick on ones are worthless. Get the ones that have no adhesive and use superglue on the nails....will stay on for 2-3 days then fall off. PS It does take practice so you don't glue you fingers together. I have used Elmers Contact cement...works not bad and will hold nails for a good day if careful. Try painting the nail with polish first, let dry, then stick on....again is tricky to get on properly at first. Put glue on nail and the plastic cover...let dry, don't get "high" on the smell and press on carefully. It takes practice.
That's something I would have like to known when I was younger and wore false nails. The glue was always a pain to remove, and the tape never held the false nails on very well. Today I just grow my finger nails a little longer and paint them.
Hi Dame V,
I've gotta "hand it to you", your "pointed response" was much appreciated, but I cant wear nails for more than 24-36 hours as that's my time limit in Caty mode. When I went to the Aussie version of "Southern Comfort Diva Las Vegas" two years ago I used the glued on version and that was OK, but I wrecked one of my nails getting them off it it took months to heal.
Happy nailing, but go easy on the super glue...
Caty this sounds great. If i understand then you put the adhesive pad on your real nail first. Then you put some nail glue on the pad and press the nail onto this glue? Can you get the pad off the nail later and it leaves no mess on the nail. I have had some luck with the preglued nails staying on for about 4-6 hours but never really great. I use the superglue with the nails but that leaves the glue on my nails and i have a hard time getting it of usually have to file it off and buff the nails so it does not look like glue on them but still leaves a residue.
Love any help I have some new nails and pads but the pads do not work well at all.
Sara Marie
I've used little glue tabs also but was afraid of losing one. I purchased Sally Hansen's Big Peel Off. Looks like Elmer's glue. Apply, let dry and then paint on you favorite color. When time to remove it just peels off. A little extra around the cuticle helps removal. It's fast and neat but you have to be careful not to damage the top coat as it will start to peel prematurely.