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I love dresses, but some highlight my chubby areas a bit too much. I recently found 2 cardigans at a thrift store and they have the magic ability to hide my problem body shape areas. Long, sweater robe like, no collar, no buttons, a nice fabric, over any dress, voila, my body shape looks more straight feminine. The also help fix the appearance of shoulders or hairy arms. I feel and look so much !ore feminine wearing my cardigans with a cute dress, and of course, gorgeous heels or flats.
Hope this tip is helpful.
I think it can work for me too. Thanks, Lea.
Lea, I love my cardigans, they do just as you say but also take the chill out of the air on those chilly nights.
I love long buttonless cardigans, they're so versatile! You can wear them with anything, you can dress them up with a dress, wear them with skirts, pants, leggings, and any kind of top, or dress them down with jeans. I have five of them, two black, one lavender, one dark pink and one that's a heavier knit that is beige.
Hugs girls,
Ms. Lauren M
I'm definitely a "Cardi girl" as well. Especially the drop waist versions that hide my male tummy and my lack of a female "rear end". I never..wear pants or slacks when en femme and have a number of skirts and blouses that tone in with my cardis.
A fabulous tip Lea! I have a number of them in various colors.
I wear them often paired with leggings and sometimes sleeveless dresses in the cooler months. Most also have pockets, which can come in handy for me, like a quick trip to a hotel lobby for more coffee with just the room keycard.
I struggle with cardigans as I haven't found a good fit that flatters my wais linet in the slightest. Next winter I think I'm just going to have to order a whole bunch until I find something that works
Sounds like I could use a long cardi, thanks for the idea!
Thanks for sharing, I will have to look for one the next time I am shopping in the resale shops.
Have several cardigans and they work wonderfully in spring and fall. The longer ones are more classy too
I haven’t found a cardigan that works for me but you’ve inspired me to give it another go. I do have a few gauzy lace cardigan-like coverings that are great for summer when cardigans are too hot.
Nice topic Lea. I love cardigans and agree with you they have that magic and more often than not go with anything. They also make some clothes that might otherwise not suit you look great. Taking my first public photo as an example, I am wearing a polka dot dress that is perfect except it is sleeveless and makes my shoulders look too big. Put on a grey cardigan and Tah Dah. My proportions now look right. Colour is the only thing I have found that might make a cardigan not work. A grey cardigan seems to me work with pretty much everything.
I have a grey cardigan that I love to wear. It goes with just about anything.
Cardigans should always be a staple in our closets. Another item that I wear in the summer with some of my cold shoulder dresses, spaghetti tanks and bare shoulder tops is a sleeveless denim jacket. I have a couple from Torrid that works really well for warmer weather. It helps hide our broad shoulders somewhat.