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My Dear Sisters on this site.
The majority of us are in the senior and 'mature age category. You may have read many of my postings o forums extolling my absolute fondness and fetish for wearing gartered Nylon Stockings.
For me, there is no more sensuous , sexier feeling than slowly slipping into a nice pair of nylon stockings, starting at adjusting the reinforced toe, then slowly sliding them up smooth shaved, lotion powdered legs, until they are attached to your 4,6,or 8 strap garters on your All-In-Ones-A Merry Widow; bask, Corset, garter belt -or the sensuous feel of a Rago Open bottom girdle.
I have all of those plus close to 50+ pairs of nylons from Full Fashion, RHT, nude toe, and they are in many different colors-mainly my favorite, Black, off Black and browns, I just love wearing seamed stocking for the downtown business secretary look,
I tried posting a collage picture of a small representation on my examples of my Stacking and Garter 'Partners", however attachments aren’t allowed in Forum posts. So watch for it in mky Public Photos section under profile in the future
The icing on finishing dressing is walking out in flats or heels and feeling that taunt tug against your garters with every womanly step. Any others here have comments?
Black stockings and garter belt was my first purchase. They were lost in a purge but replaced soon after. I remember seeing pictures of women wearing stockings and garters in catalogs when I was a child. I knew back then I wanted to wear them when I got older.
@meghan47 I have to agree with you Meghan, there is a definite thrill to be had by wearing stockings and suspenders.
I am a life-long tights addict, and have only dabbled in the world of stockings from time to time. However, I recently bought a bargain bundle of three basques which actually fit perfectly and have sensibly short suspenders that keep the stockings at the top of my thighs, rather than half-way to my knees 😀
You'll probably think I'm some sort of heretic though, as I prefer to wear them over a pair of very sheer-to-waist tights (suitably modified to facilitate toilet visits🤭), but it adds to the sensuality, having that nylon-sliding-over-nylon sensation added to the equation. They also force me to wear dresses and skirts of a length more appropriate to my age too! lol
Meghan -
I totally agree about the feeling of wearing stockings and garter belts or other lingerie with garter straps. When I first started dressing many years ago some of the first items I wore were my mothers garter belt and stockings. It is a sensuous feeling putting on the stockings and feeling the tug as you walk.
Thank you for sharing on this experience.
I'm a pantyhose girl. I love wearing shiny, sheer to waist pantyhose and showing my legs in them. However, from time t time I get the desire to wear a garter belt and stockings. Sliding the stockings up my legs and hooking up the garters is so thrilling, I literally tremble. Then to stand up and walk and feel the garters tugging is such an amazing feeling and experience that just can't happen doing anything else.
In my teens and early twenties, when I wore stockings and garters, I would get the urge and desire to go out and show off the garters and stocking tops in a short dress. I often went out in sheer to waist pantyhose and short dresses. It was wonderful, thrilling and exciting showing my legs like that. But to do it in stockings and garters took a whole new level of nerve. But the sensations, experience and thrills were even more intense.
Even for a dedicated pantyhose girl like myself, occasionally I need the stocking and garters experience.
I am in total agreement. I never feel more fem than when I am wearing a pretty dress and have on underneath it a sexy garter belt and stockings It is the last thing I want to take off.
Yea I wear pantyhose, tights, leggings, and stockings with garter belts. You described the sensation so well Megan and thats why my legs are always cleanly shaven. Sometimes I wonder if ggs have the same sensation otherwise they would wear them too more often. I share the same feeling with above comments though about secretly letting my skirt or dress slip up to show them off proudly and yes men go crazy over seeing the straps. We girls love a little tease with a peek a poo flash
Hi Meghan,
I can't agree with you more, the feel of pulling on a nice pair of stockings is one of the best feelings in the world, when i start to pull on that first stocking i know Roz is on her way, apart from a Bra a nice pair of stockings are the most girly things in a girls wardrobe,
Hugs Rozalyn X 🤗
I adore hosiery. Tights for everyday, practical wear. Stockings and suspenders more of an occasional treat or photo shoot. The first items feminine clothing I ever bought were suspender tights and stockings and suspenders.
I love wearing my garter belt and stockings Meghan. Love feeling that tug! For me it is much more sensuous than wearing pantyhose.
When I started wearing nylons they didn't have pantyhose. Just loved them, and when pantyhose got popular I still wore gartered nylons because they were my favorite. Besides they just felt so much more feminine. Still wear gartered nylons for those special moments with my love, but mostly wear pantyhose these days. I do have quite the collection of both.
Having grown up in the years when there were no tights and almost all women wore nylon stockings almost all the time...stockings have always been my preference and I have never had any trouble managing the fastening of suspenders. But for women at that time it was regarded as important not to let your stocking tops show so when shorter skirts came along and that became more and more difficult, tights took over. Sometimes the transition took several years with tights initially worn only when absolutely necessary. It's been the same for me: when I want the short-skirt/long legs look it has to be tights. For knee length - or just above the knee - skirts, stockings are still preferred.
I have always love lace top stockings w/garter belt or lace top thigh highs. So sexy, love the look and feel