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Tips on clothing

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Active Member     Ohio, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

Ok I am really short and all these charts dont really work for me. I am 5'3 im not chunky but I am thick. Big thighs bubble butt and I have broad shoulders because of my work. I have mucscular arms and i have no idea what kind if dresses and shirts to wear.. Please help

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Posts: 371
Reputable Member     Coventry, Warwickshire, United Kingdom
Joined: 6 years ago

5'3" is not small for a woman Titania, neither is having a bubble butt which many think of as an asset. (I do)

A long sleeved tunic dress with a pair of low heeled shoes would be perfect for you.

As for being 'thick' you are in good company 🙂

Good luck.....Sally xx


Posts: 34
Eminent Member     St. Petersburg, Florida, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

I said in an earlier post that I am 5'- 6" tall, but the last time a nurse measured me,

she said I was only 5'- 5" tall, and I kind of frowned at her. I am only 140 pounds or less, but I too have large deltoid muscles, (shoulder muscles from working out with weights when younger), I often think I look like a female bodybuilder if I don't choose to wear a shirt with a shoulder, over the shoulder at least, in a dress or any shirt or blouse. I like short denim skirts for everyday wear, and will find them at the church resale store, previously owned by, I am assuming, girls in high school. So you might look in the juniors section, and as far as the sizes, I am still trying to figure that out. I wear a 6 in some styles, but then, I find shorts that say a 4, or even a 2 one time, and they fit just fine. I would look online, for sizing charts, and check the country of origin. Clothing from China, always run small for me. Sizing charts, for a specific brand are always helpful, and can be found all over the internet. And lastly, get yourself a seamstress, or tailors measuring tape, and measure yourself, in all the places a woman would measure, bust, hips, and especially the waist and the length from the top of your shoulder, to the bottom of where you want your dress length to be. Having accurate measurements of your body, is extremely helpful, no matter what the size says in the store, or online.


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