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To Tuck or Not to Tuck

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[postquote quote=450846]
Thank you Katey

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Noble Member     Virginia, United States of America
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I dint find tucking to be that difficult, and certainly haven't gone to the great trials of Rei's tortuous tricks. I'm a grower not a shower, which for most of my life seemed...disadvantageous, but now is a distinct advantage. I don't have any gaffs, and can tuck with many of the panties i wear. Even with a pair of leggings, I can look as femme as any woman with little trouble. On the other hand, staying properly tucked can be a challenge.


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Noble Member     Missouri, United States of America
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Honestly, Bridgette, staying tucked is my issue too. I’m a grower also. However, most of my panties are still too narrow between the legs and I just can’t keep stuff where it needs to be without a gaff.

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Noble Member     Missouri, United States of America
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I love snug panties. Especially, thongs. Unless I am wearing leggings or a really fitted skirt or shorts, they work fine. I absolutely hate panty lines though. Since I still haven’t gotten exactly where I want to be with my weight loss, I have noticed that the tightness at the hips can show sometimes. It shouldn’t be a problem but it bugs the hell out of me. I may get larger gaffs but I am going to wait and see what happens with the weight loss first.

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Noble Member     Missouri, United States of America
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Wow!!! That’s awesome! I often fantasize about that. Quite often. I don’t think my wife would like it too much. But I am okay with the junk. If I were single, thing’s would probably be different. So happy for you!!!

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Noble Member     Missouri, United States of America
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Yeah, most of the time snug panties work just fine for me. Flared skirts and dresses and all that. But I have been exploring my options and the really fitted stuff just requires me to tuck. I have really been pushing my fashion boundaries to see what I can get away with. It’s been so much fun. And as my weight loss has been going so well, I have found that I am starting to be able to wear things I never thought I could.

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[postquote quote=450915]
Have you ever looked at those silicone panties  seen many come in like brief underwear others like boxer shorts then some go all the way to ankle. Most have a hiding gaff sheath that hide the junk.

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[postquote quote=450922]
thank you Mika so ready to get out this male shell ever since small kid. Now it is coming true.

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Noble Member     Missouri, United States of America
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Yeah, I’m still a little new to tucking but I love the look with really tight pants or skirts and dresses. I might just need to be a little more experienced to not have any end-of-the-day discomfort. And, yes, having a slash can be a pain in the ass. But it seems like I can retuck a little faster with practice. Still sux though.

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Noble Member     Missouri, United States of America
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OMG, I’m rolling 😂

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Noble Member     Missouri, United States of America
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Noble Member     Missouri, United States of America
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I’ve looked at them, yes. I have read some negative comments about them being really hot and getting really sweaty though.

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Estimable Member     Felsted, Essex, United Kingdom
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I like to tuck (not there's much to tuck ) all the time when I am Michelle ,firstly a 'smaller 'size pair of high leg panties and pantyliner all helps to give me a smooth front and then a pair of shall we say ordinary panties ,and finally pantyhose or tights this all keeps everything hidden and out of site and I love it ,sometime wear control panties but these aren't really needed . Michelle xx

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Congratulations on the weight loss Mika xx

..something most of us would welcome, but never as easy as you think.....the main problem being it never seems to disappear from the places you want it too!!!!!

Grace xx

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Noble Member     Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand
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Hi all... would someone like to write a crossdresser’s lexicon?
Grower and shower? Help!

xxx Polly

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