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I had a ring for my "chunky" finger, it was cheap off eBay and was one of the split shank type.
You guessed it the shank fell apart and now I want to replace it. So being in the UK has anybody know of a supplier of resonably priced cosmetic "gold coloured" rings that have expandable shanks that dont fall apart. LOL
Hi Elaine,
I will make an assumption that you are outside the XL range in the stores. What I did was cut the ring at the base and file smooth. Most rings had enough give to open a little. It also solved a problem when the fingers expanded in the heat and getting off was a little harder and sudso was needed.
Elaine, I have no practical help to offer, I just like to chip in from time to time. Despite being 6' 00" and 190 lbs I have tiny hands and feet. Sometimes a challenge when playing keys in various local bands, but great when shopping for heels. I've never worn rings (although I love a necklace and bracelets). You've got me thinking now for my 10 days in May. Yet another expense 😢😂.
Hugs, Chrissie xx.
Big, feminine rings are available and easily ordered if you know the size you want. I found a little shop in Plymouth (no, I know that doesn't help you) that have a load of silver rings that fit me (they also had other metals but I like silver). I found that the biggest ring size that I needed is Z+3 which is an inside diameter of a little over 23mm. Once armed with this knowledge there are many places you can go to get feminine rings in your size.
There are many sites you can use to determine your desired size, I used one called [search for] jewellerymonthly, but there are loads of others.
I don't order the ones with the sliders on them as I know that with the size of my fingers it would still not be enough.