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Ulta services

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Reputable Member     Santa Clarita and Oakhurst (I have a vacation home), California, United States of America
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I want to go to Ulta for a makeup session but I have a few questions and every time I call my local Ulta, I get put on hold and never picked up so I thought I'd ask here.

My first, and main, question is, what is the difference between a makeup lesson and the everyday makeup application? I understand the lesson is interactive. I read in one post where they do one half and you try to replicate it on the other. I assume if that is correct, they direct you so you look the same on both sides.

Second, if you do the lesson, do you walk out fully made up or only partial. I want to learn how to do blush, bronzer and eye shadow. Is that all covered in the lesson?

Last, if you do the everyday makeup application, will they still explain everything they are doing? Or do they just apply it and send you on your way?

I understand these are questions I should be asking Ulta, but since they never seem to pick me up I thought I'd ask here before trying there again.

Thank you all for any help you can give.

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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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@astrosteve I'm REALLY interested in reading the replies to this. As far as I know (but then again I'm only little, so you can assume that I basically know NOTHING) we don't have Ulta in the UK.

I'm bracing myself for the inevitable 'Oh, for God's sake Ellie ... Ulta is EVERYWHERE. There's even a franchise running out of my village post office. Honestly girl ... you are SO last century!'

Makeup lessons are something that is offered by the many crossdressing services here in the UK, but your post intrigues me. Are you talking about something that would be done 'in store', or is it more of a 1:1 thing? 

I really am going to follow this thread closely!

Having said that, I don't like the idea of walking away with one side of your face looking amazing but the other resembling a child's first attempt at colouring between the lines ...


Ellie x

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Reputable Member     Santa Clarita and Oakhurst (I have a vacation home), California, United States of America
Posts: 176

@ellyd22 having mismatched sides is my worry also. But I want to learn, so if the makeup application session doesn't explain what they are doing, I may have to take the chance on the lesson.

The lessons are done in store, where anyone can see what's going on. That is a little nerve wracking, but I think I can handle it. I had posted on Craigslist asking if anyone was will to do a one on one with a CDer, but the only response I got was from someone to far away.


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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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@astrosteve I was shopping for perfume and dresses* with my sister on Boxing Day (as you do). We were in a VERY large branch of a store called Boots, and there were several franchises offering makeovers. I mentioned to her that is isn't entirely unheard of for crossdressers to take advantage of things like this.

I found her take on it really interesting.

First of all, she said that even as a (naturally beautiful) GG she would hate to have a public makeover where anyone at all could simply stand and watch ... she said that it would make her very uncomfortable.

Secondly, she was interested in the logistics as far as crossdressers are concerned.

She assumed that you would rock up en femme but sans makeup, and leave in your full splendour.

The alternative ... to arrive in drab, and leave still in boy mode but with a beautifully made-up face, would be less desirable. So ...  is the norm to attend fully-clothed, and with a wig but no make up? It must be REALLY scary, and if you've done it you have my undying admiration.


Ellie x


* I went for CK1, and completely overspent on dresses. My sister is a BAD influence, but a really excellent role model.

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Reputable Member     Santa Clarita and Oakhurst (I have a vacation home), California, United States of America
Posts: 176

@ellyd22 I have not done it yet and that is the question I have been wrestling with too. Since I don't own a wig yet, my choices are go in drab/androgynous or as a man in a dress.

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 3998

@astrosteve Call the make-up store and ask if they have a secluded area because of you being a crossdresser.

While you are at it, ask if they have a room where you can change, either before your make-up is applied or before you leave.

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Noble Member     Delaware, United States of America
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@astrosteve Count me among those who want to know the details.   I am planning on getting a makeup lesson/makeover soon.   I have checked out Sephora and Ulta superficially and I have pretty much ruled out Sephora since they all seem to do makeover in the front of the store right in the windows.   I definitely don't want to get a makeover in a fishbowl in a mall.   I was leaning toward MAC since it looks like their makeovers are done in more secluded locations and I do like their products but most MAC stores in my area have closed.  The nearest one is over an hour away.   I thought about department stores but again, makeovers are done out in the open on the selling floor.   All this leaves me at ULTA and I really need to go in a store and check it out.

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Noble Member     Cathedral City, California, United States of America
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@astrosteve I seriously doubt that they would allow you to leave the store half done as that would not reflect well on them. Stores really don’t need customers going around bad mouthing them. There are too many other makeup brands out there.

I’ve had 2 makeup sessions at MAC stores. One was within a department store and the other was in a standalone store. Both times I had applied minimal makeup before I went as DeeAnn does not go out without makeup. I was given makeup removal wipes before we started.

In both cases the work was done off to one side of the sales area, so there were customers walking behind me as the makeup person worked. However, I will admit that these were not teaching sessions as I was attending a specific event later that evening. Previously I had a couple of 1/1 sessions with a retired makeup person that were roughly 2 hours each. There was lots of discussion about techniques, coloring and types of products. I found that to be really useful and much better than with the store personnel due to time constraints and purchase expectations.

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Noble Member     Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States of America
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I am curious as well. My concern woudl be a private space for the make lessons /makeup session   We have Ulta and Sephoria here.  It really does not look like Sephoria has a private area for makeup application

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Reputable Member     Santa Clarita and Oakhurst (I have a vacation home), California, United States of America
Posts: 176

@leah63 the Ulta near my main home does them in the back of the store. Still public but you are either facing away from shoppers or behind a mirror.

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Noble Member     Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States of America
Posts: 812

@astrosteve while have the makeup being in the back of the store is much better options, I would prefer a more private setting away from the general public eye

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Estimable Member     DFW, Texas, United States of America
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I had makeup applied back in October, it was a great experience at my Ulta. My artist was gender fluid and the artist next to us was trans so they were both explaining to me what products to use and which does what. my makeover was free with the purchase of at least 60$ in MAC products, I spent a lot more though. My worries going into the store was that the studio is out in the open, I went in drab except for jeans, i had many compliments from shoppers while going through the process, I changed tops, shoes and put my hair in place before leaving. I cant wait to go again.

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(@Anonymous 47410)
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Hi Stephanie, 

I would call again and ask to speak to the store manager or better yet, ride over there and describe your telephone experience to the store manager in person, but that's me.  

Ulta opened a new store near me a couple years ago, and while I was checking the store out, I asked about make overs and makeup instruction.  Up in front of the store there are representatives of company products.  These folks told me they are in the store a few days a week and are there to demonstrate their products, which means they will apply them to your face, explaining the application technique.  There is no charge for their service, but, of course, you are expected to buy some of their products. 

So that was the front store folks.  They then directed me to the back store where the MUAs are. 

The MUA area was semi-private, with nice comfy chairs for customers to sit in.  The MUA explained to me that I would be paying for her time, either a 30 mins session or a 60 mins session, and I would not be expected to buy any products.  However, she would give me a list of recommended products, which I could shop for on my own at another store if I wanted to.  As for technique, she told me she would do one-half of my face, then guide me through while I attempted to do the other half myself with assistance from her.  She would also supply me with information on how to perform the application process. 

It has been a couple of years, but that is the best as I can recall what I was told at the time.

I never did go back and use their services, as I found a lady who has helped me with some areas of makeup I am weak in.  Also, I ask many questions in small beauty shops where I buy cosmetics.  Then again too there are many Youtube videos one can watch on line.  Lots of information out there.  Good Luck! 



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Prominent Member     Seattle, Washington, United States of America
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I did this at a Sephora last Spring. I scheduled a full face make up session, arrived en femme, and had a brief chat with the make up artist as to what I was looking for. I wanted clean look for daily wear, but I told her I was very green at the whole thing. She said 'no problem, we can make it a lesson' and so she walked me through the whole application as she went. I asked a bunch of questions about my problem areas (like my hooded eyes and caveman brow), told her what I usually did (turns out I was on the right track), and learned a ton. She matched a foundation to my skin tone, recommended some products, and I left feeling educated, validated, and beautiful. Yes, the make up artists are right in the open at the front of the store, yes people are milling around doing the shopping/browsing, but I never noticed any odd looks are stares, and no one made me feel like I didn't belong there. They have trans and nonbinary staff there, and I live in a city that is very supportive of LGBTQ so it was fine. It was definitely a stretch for me, but once I was in the chair and chatting with Kylie it was fine. My wife and her bestie came along for some moral support and to do some shopping, but they were literally the only people who took any notice of me. I strongly recommend doing this; I had an amazing experience and my makeup game improved remarkably! 

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Reputable Member     Santa Clarita and Oakhurst (I have a vacation home), California, United States of America
Posts: 176

@justnikki that's where I am leaning right now. I was thinking about scheduling the full makeup session but doing just what you did, asking them to explain what they are doing while they are doing it. I don't want to practice in the store, that's for at home. I want to walk out fully made up, but I do want to learn too.

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Prominent Member     SoCal, California, United States of America
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If Ulta does not want / can not speak with you, why not consider another provider?  Maybe Sephora?  I have been into a Sephora store and asked about getting a makeover - for me.  The gals were very kind and informative, told me about options and prices.  Even said that coming dressed or drab would be fine.  I have yet to get the makeover done, but want to do it someday.  Have fun...  Staci..

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 J J
Famed Member     California, United States of America
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There is no right or wrong way to do this, just what works for you. I recently had a full makeover in Sephora and enjoyed it thoroughly. I went casually dressed, jeans, boots, a blouse, forms, and a wig. At this store the make-up stations were in the middle, so you might check out a few different stores if that is an issue. It turned out I went in during a massive holiday sale so the store was super busy. For the most part, I just closed my eyes and let the MUA do her magic. I did not bother to ask questions, but probably will the next time. I know at my age I will never be competent at make-up, and for the cost of a make over I will just have it done professionally the few times I need it. Still, I would like to pick up a few basics, so my next time may be at MAC where I can pick up some tips and products at the same time.

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Reputable Member     Georgia, United States of America
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I recommend doing local searches for independent MUA's. It might take sending out a bunch of emails and possibly getting ignored/politely declined but eventually you will find one who will work with you. It's much more comfortable having it done in a private setting. That said it can be difficult getting an appointment on short notice and that is where the Sephoras and Ultas shine.


Check the site it's geared more for hairstyling but there are MUAs listed there as well.

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Trusted Member     Chino, California, United States of America
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I wwent to a Sephora store a few years ago and asked the sales girl ig she could help me find some makeup for myself. She recommended some items and asked if I wanted her to apply some on me so I could see how it looked. She apply some makeup some blush and some powder on me and recommended lpstick mascara and eyeshadow. No customers were bothered by my look.

She said if I wanted a complete makeover she would be happy to make an appointment for me. I did buy the items she recommended but did not make an appointment but am thinking about making one in the future. i have been wearing some makeup most days ever since that day.

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 J J
Famed Member     California, United States of America
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I am sure it depends on where one lives as to how comfortable one would be getting make-up done in public. Jere in southern California it is not a big deal.

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Reputable Member     Santa Clarita and Oakhurst (I have a vacation home), California, United States of America
Posts: 176

@jjandme I'm in so cal too and feel totally comfortable with a public session. Would I enjoy a one on one? Of course, but public is fine too.


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