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As a confident and committed undercover underdresser, have you got so comfortable with your jewellery that you have just forgotten you’re wearing it and realised ‘after the event’, maybe your pearls were bubbling through, or the fine gold necklace was above your neckline, or that pretty multi-stone ring was facing forward not back? Luckily, I never have. 🤥🤥🤥
must say I have never done this and gratefully my jewelry has not been found nor noticed in the bathroom closet fingers crossed 🤞
hi. once I forgot to take off my gold (fake) anklet while riding my bicycle or take off my pink pony tail tie instead of just bunning it up.
I have several girly watches and bracelets. In a rush to get out of my fem outfit once, I left both on and almost forget since I had long sleeves on.
Lately, I started wearing fem jewelry out with my guy clothes, under long sleeves.
I will wear my choker and my girl rings to work exposed and everything. My job doesn't mind. In fact they encourage me to be me at work. And all the women love my nails when i get them done.
I wear a gold necklace with 2 charms (one RN and the other an American Flag), 2 leather bracelets (one with a guitar charm, the other a leather band that is a bit femme (I bought that one at a craft fair and the woman selling them said it was a female bracelet)) and earrings 24/7 since getting my ears pierced 2 years ago. Most of the time I wear studs or small hoops outside the house but there have been occasions I have worn dangling earrings that aren't too flashy. I also have my fingers polished with pink tinged clear gel polish.
And what’s with this love for stock cubes, you across-the-ponders seem to have?! lol. x
I now wear some copper braceletts full time. They are generic enough so I can wear them en femme and en homme. Same around my neck. I now wear various pendants thay arr nuetral so I can wear them.all the time and not think about it
I do at time borrow something more femme from my wife, especially if I am taking photos
I normally wear my diamond wedding rings around the house without thinking I signed for a UPS delivery.
The only ring I wear is my wedding ring. I only wear a watch for sport. My jewellery consists of bracelets, ear rings and necklaces. I recently had a work callout after dark. I attended wearing a very loose top and trousers over full outfit, including jewellery and make up. Job done and swift exit