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OK ladies, following on from my panties post. I'm sure this will have been covered before but I'm going to revisit the concept. Look, underdressing has never particularly appealed to me. Ideally I need the full package (including panties 😂). But given the barren landscape of my current dressing opportunities I'm rethinking this, as it would be a simple way of experiencing at least a little femme feeling. Heck if nothing else I've got to get myself some panties, just so you girls won't think I'm some sort of a weirdo 😂.
So what does the underdressing landscape look like girls? What do you wear? Panties, pantyhose, garter and stockings (that would be nice but maybe not very practical)?. Do you go as far as a bra? With forms? Anything else? I'd love to hear your underdressing experiences. I'm thinking maybe it's time for me to try it.
Thanks ladies.
Hugs, Chrissie xx.
Hi Chrissie, I'm a lot like Liz. I've been out and open for years but most days it would seem like I'm just under dressing. Everyday I put on my Warners Cloud 9 Hipster pantys and my Maidenform T-Shirt bra and then continue to dress for the day. On a regular winter work day I'll add tights, jeans, a T-shirt and a flannel shirt and work boots. In summer I start out with the same underwear base but then will just add a T-shirt, jeans or shorts and my Nikes. So it would seem that I'm always underdressed and may look like either a man in drab or a woman just being herself depending on what you see in me. I don't shave since I'm hairless from my eyes down and my real hair is long and put in a ponytail most days. If I'm going out then my base layer may be upgraded to a strapless or pushup bra and dark pantyhose or tights and my outer layer may be a suit, wiggle dress or gown. I really don't think about this at all except to consider if my clothes are clean, comfortable and suited for the jobs of the day. So I hope that is useful input. Happy Holidays, Marg
When I underdress, and I do so often, I wear panties and a bra with small forms. I choose bras that do not have clasps and with wide bands that don't show as well and could pass for tank tops. I make sure I choose a shirt that is thick enough to not show that bands.
Hi Chrissie As I said in the other thread I wear bikini briefs most days as my underwear. I find them more comfortable than most male underwear and most brands are made of a softer, nicer fabric that feels so much better on your skin.
In the cooler months I will have my toenails painted as let's face it in the colder months when do you take off your shoes and socks. This might be different if you are a swimmer or play a sport where you change in a public change room. It is only this last winter my wife has been ok with me doing that so was a step forward. In the summer I surf quite a bit and generally like to walk around in bare feet so this summer I have had my toenails painted in clear nail polish and nobody has noticed it at all.
Too hot in summer for pantyhose but on the odd day I will wear pantyhose under my jeans. The feeling of them hugging your legs throughout the day does bring lots of little happy moments where I smile.
I do underdress in a bra usually when I have put on pantyhose. I in general life am a hugger so when I greet female and most male friends I give them a hug. This is a problem for standard bras that without breastforms in them you can't notice the bra but they might feel it when they hug me. To get around this I have bought a few crop top bras that stick close to your skin with no clasps or lace and no one could ever tell even in a big hug that you have it on.
I hope this helps Chrissie. While it isn't the same as a full makeover, I find underdressing when the opportunities to fully dress aren't there will bring a bring a few smiles and happy moments where you feel more comfortable with yourself.
I still own, but rarely wear male underwear. I've even got to the stage whereby for some medical appointments, eg osteopaths, as I take my shirt and top off, I just tell them "i dont wear male underwear", and leave it at that. I have some dark coloured high cut briefs and classic black femme singlets that I wear for these appointments.
Winter time its heavy duty tights/panty hose and a thermal cami, under my winter fleecy, floral pj's.
I have one long standing osteo where I previously wore "gender neutral" undies, but as a "New Years resolution", starting in about 3 hrs, I'm going more femme .
in the cooler months I sometime wear bralettes with no adjusting clasps or back hooks. When changing from my femme "silky" sleep wear to daytime stuff, it feels so femme to leave my forms attached and pull the bralette over my head and bring it down over "my breasts".
Sadly the forms have to come off straight after the above. My loving DADT partner does not like to see me with boobs.
Happy (under) dressing.
When I am in male mode, I underdress in male briefs; however, when I go en femme, nothing makes me feel more feminine than a sexy, satiny bra (with or without a lace lining) and matching panties. I also tend to enjoy thigh high stockings (extra shiny) with a garter belt. Most of my bras are push up bras that I cannot wear with breast forms, but I do have a few lightly lined bras that allow me to use breast forms. I truly enjoy my breast forms and they do add to the sexy feminine feel I get through crossdressing, but the only problem is that none of my bras seem to fully cover my breast forms. When I get fully dressed, I kind of like for my bra to show slightly, but when I'm wearing a V-neck blouse, with the tips of my bra cups just poking out (I absolutely love the way that looks), I really don't want to see my breast forms poking out too. Maybe I should go up one cup size the next time I go bra shopping. Although I did buy my breast forms specifically for my current bra size.
Hope this helps, and happy lingerie shopping.
Chrissie -
I've been underdressing more with panties recently when going out of the house. I've been underdressing with panties at home for a long time but when going out I would change to drab male underwear. There was one day we were going to the store, I was wearing sweatpants with panties underneath. I told my wife I was going to change and she said don't bother, so off we went with me in panties. I don't think she knew I was wearing them. Since then I've been doing the same thing more frequently. When I have a medical appointment I wear male underwear. I keep everything below my neck shaved during the winter months. I decided that come spring I'm going to talk to my wife about keeping my legs shaved all the time. My ears are pieced so I wear earrings 24/7, my toes are painted with a gel color and my fingers are a clear pink tinged gel. As I said about my legs being shaved my toes have only been painted during the winter months, however, I'm thinking of having them painted in color throughout the year. There are plenty of neutral colors to choose from. I haven't worn a bra/bralette or cami out but have thought about it. I recently bought some cami's that could work so maybe that will happen.
Bottom line do what you are comfortable with and your circumstances allow. It does give a feeling of femininity when underdressed though.
I'm sure I have responded to similar posts in the past - but I'm happy to do so again.
Underdressing is important for some of us whose opportunities to dress fully and/or openly are limited or non-existent. However, I can see that this only works if there's something about the under-worn clothes that makes them interesting. In my case, much (but not all) of the pleasure from dressing comes from the more complex and substantial underwear that women wore when I was young and first became interested in experimenting with female clothes. I have to admit that wearing just panties beneath male trousers would not give me much joy and even a pair of tights, because they are so light and easy to wear, also don't do much for me.
On the other hand, a bra, suspender belt or girdle and nylon stockings certainly make a difference: they can be felt through their tightness and fit and through the way they move, stretch and hold as you walk, bend sit, stretch, etc. To that extent, wearing these items hidden beneath trousers, shirts, sweaters, jackets and - yes - socks, provides at least some of the feelings and sensations (and limitations) that women experienced when they wore similar things.
Obviously, even in a UK summer, there are days when it isn't sensible to wear sufficient outer clothing to hide what's underneath but in my experience, most of the time there's little likelihood of detection. I have been underdressed all day, for many hours and in many situations - shopping, travelling, in the cinema or at a concert, on buses and trains and even riding a bike. While panty girdles and standard bras are easy - worn with stockings or tights - no problems arose even with the more demanding undergarments that some of my female acquaintances wore back in the 1960s. A high-waist, firm, open girdle and even a long-line bra didn't have any real risk of being noticed when worn under winter male clothing and only a catastrophy such as a serious accident would have caused embarrassment.
What I can say, as a result of doing this on so many occasions, is that it gave me even greater respect for women whose every-day attire included similar underwear and with the added complications of skirts and high-heels to manage as well.
I generally underdress everyday. I never wear male underwear unless I'm seeing the doctor and I take out my one pair. For work everyday I wear leggings and a female tank under my work clothes. Today I wore my sports bra and leggings under my sweats when I went on my hike. I just wish I was confident enough to forgo the outer clothes
I think the right lite t-shirt bra goes pretty well easy under dressing, under the right t-shirt , jacket, especially when cold or at nite ..
On the two dozen or so times I've underdressed in public, I always wore a bra. Most of the time it was a full coverage bra without forms worn under bulkier clothing, like a sweatshirt, so it wasn't so obvious. I've also worn a front-closure, leisure type bra under a polo shirt that also wasn't obvious. On each occasion I went out I was with my wife, who assured me before we ever left home no one could tell I was wearing a bra.
You can underdress as little or as much as you want, and yoir situatiin allows. Panties are of course the simplest option, but a bra and stocking (my preference) or panyyhose are pretty easy. The problem with bras are the marks they can leave, that can take a surprisingly long time to disipate depend on teh type and fit. Camisoles are a good non-marking opption. Since I have an understanding spouse, bra lines are not an issue, so I wear forms en homme often. Then the are other options like wearing a femme blouse under a sweatshirt or jacket. Short skirts can be worn with loose pants or shorts. The options are endless.
My en homme attire is often being fully underdressed, buy I often add an item or two of outerwear that passes like women's jeans or a button down shirt that is generic just with the buttons reversed.
I guess I underdress, I’m in panties 24/7, except if I am going to play hockey, my silk panties would go over like a lead balloon in a dressing room full of naked sweaty men, for those times I drag out the dreaded burlap ones …lol. I wear my panties for medical appointments too, just simple black ones, bikini or boyleg…never ever a mention from a medical professional . I have corsets for back support, and of course they are the super sexy satin ones that give me a nice hour glass figure, oh they feel so good. I just stealth them under a t-shirt and throw a hoody overtop if it’s cooler, corsets push up on my chest and make my nipples more pronounced if it’s cooler out, and I mean really pronounced .For a while I was having laser hair removal done on my chest,belly, and legs , so I was shaved almost totally from neck to toes, hairless is an amazing feeling,but my dear wife asked me to stop, so I did. Now I just trim heavily. Wouldn’t it be great if we could flip a switch at puberty…hairy or no body hair?? I wear a satin cami in bed, and some times it feels so good I just leave it on and throw a cute t-shirt or hoody on over top. I use only feminine shower products now, and moisturize my legs regularly with a scented body butter , up here in the great white north the skin starts to look like an alligator’s if you don’t moisturize ,and I use ladies deodorant. It’s great sharing shower products with my wife ,more economical and half as many bottles cluttering up the shower. Why do I do this? Because this is how I stay close to my feminine self . I so desire to feel and smell pretty, to wear amazing panties and lingerie …and this is the only way that works for me when trapped in a man’s world. Panties sliding against my drab work jeans just give me that little reminder of the femininity I so enjoy. I never once have had a comment made about smelling pretty…and I work side by side in some tight conditions with smelly sweaty men at times. So I will continue to underdress…it’s for me , nobody else, I enjoy it, I need it.
I love underdressing!
You can wear seamless panties.
As for bras, you can wear seamless models, without clasps or adjusters. Hanes' "Cropped Scoop Neck" models are good examples.
On colder days, when you wear more blouses, you can try traditional bras.
I wear panties or Japanese style PE sports bloomers underneath my guy clothes almost every day depending on the weather and season. I know many are “all or one” when it comes to crossdressing and I respect that. Through my journey I thought that maybe I’m just a person who underdresses while dipping into both masculine and feminine sides. However after talking to my good friend, I’m not sure that’s the case as I’m not interested in crossdressing openly ( wearing dresses, bras and breast forms and be en femme). I’m not into labels but I guess I’m a underdresser guy.