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Any tips for a newbie going out for one of her first times? I'm planning on going grocery shopping and then to a club tomorrow or Friday, and would like any voice tips you can give. I know practice makes perfect, but if there are any quick pointers to know it would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Esther,
Great subject and important. I would research online to find something that works for you. There are many specialists that offer online help. I spoke once with some named ??? Nina (I think) she has a full program that seems well organized. I have not done it yet but may.
Good luck and have fun,
Confidence, confidence, confidence! If you're going out for the first or second time; worry about more important things, like having fun! I never alter my voice when I go out, only because I don't care about it that much. I DO how ever alter my personality greatly between drab and Samantha when out. Remember, it should NOT be stressful to go out and fun dressed!
PS- Here is my first time out story... You should post your first time experiences too!!
Hi Esther, I totally agree with Samantha. Confidence is the big factor. I also don't alter my voice when I am out in public en femme. Well maybe I speak a little softer and with more of a lilt. I'm lucky as my normal vocal range is alto (which is high male and low female). Oh, and I normally pass for female when I go grocery shopping. Getting called ma'am by the checkout lady every week is pretty cool.
According to all kinds of experts, communication is 93% non-verbal - made up of 55% body language and 38% tone of voice. The last 7% is words.
My only tip is don't speak in falsetto. That just sounds like a guy trying to speak like a woman. Instead, lengthen your neck by holding your head high and speak from higher up in your chest and not low in the gut.
Good luck going out. Hugs, Krista
I just want you to know that I'm going to be following this thread for tips/tricks myself. I have a potential day out planned (if i don't chicken out from it), and I am wondering, too, about the voice. I do like the advice of the confidence and body language. There is no doubt that I will be marked, but its the attitude of "do I belong here as much as you do" that will make or break the day.
Good luck to you!
I go for a softer, higher pitch, which I practice in the car, but just have fun when I go out.
I don't think I'm fooling anyone, but no-one seems to mind - in fact, most people seem to like that you're making an effort to be yourself, and admire the bravery.
I love talking to those happy, smiling faces, like we're both keeping some kind of funny secret together - a kind of elephant in the room, which is pink and wearing a tutu...
It'll take time, but practice in private and find your own voice.
I've even sung alto in a harmony choir in a shopping centre, fully femme. I was the only one singing alto, and we managed to raise something like £500 for charity in a couple of hours, so something worked!
Have fun. The conference will follow.
Love Laura