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I am looking for a good and safe hair remover that I can use to remove the unwanted hair that I have ! Like my arms legs and any place that I may need too!!
I use a good ole razor and Barbasol shaving cream with aloe followed by Cetaphil lotion for moisturizer
Tried Nair a few times and wasn't happy with the results!!!! Leave it on a little too long and causes chemical burns.
I think I will try that and see how it works for me!! I'm not a vary hairy person to start with but I want to look more lady like!!
You have to be very careful with any of the chemical hair removers - Nair, Veet, Magic, etc. Find the sensitive skin ones and follow the directions very carefully - including the ones about testing it first on less-sensitive skin. Be patient - or they may well burn you and that is no fun.
Shaving with a gel works well for me. I want to try waxing (I know, it will hurt) and occasionally think of something more permanent - like laser - but that gets pretty expensive.
Do you know if a hair salon does makeup? I need help with my makeup!
Nair for men works well for me...might have a few areas that need to be redone or shaved but I was able to use anywhere w/o any side effects...
Being new to this it can be embarrassing going out with smooth legs but it's so much more complete when dressing...
Lots of good advice here so trial and error might be in store...
Good luck
Hi Vicki,
What one of the Nair for men do you use? I would really like to know!!