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Hi Ladies. I have 10 days to myself in May. As a very occasional crossdresser I don't have any clothes at home and I'm currently planning some new outfits (pink fog overload!). Will also have to shave my beard off a few weeks before. Hope that doesn't arouse any suspicion!
I favour dresses and skirts. I have my eye on a rather cheeky short bright pink skirt (to be paired with a white lace long sleeved top) and probably a couple of dresses, ideally lace, light colours (I'm looking at pink again, but I've also seen some nice blue ones), maybe one floral dress.
My question is this, since I'm hopeless with colour: what would be a good colour for heels and stockings/tights (preferably patterned) to go well with the sort of outfits I've outlined?
Thanks for any help you can give to colour co-ordinate me.
Hugs, Chrissie xx.
Ohhh ten days to yourself, divine. Enjoy.
To your question I'm sorry I have no idea on colour matching, I stick to basics you see most women wearing.
I think a nice pair of white heels could go with most/all of them, and would look so pretty for a day look in May. Stockings is a bit harder but I would either go bare, or nude color, or maybe a very sheer white for daytime. But it kind of depends on the style too. If you are doing more of a sundress sort of floral, a cute pair of sandals with bare legs would look yummy.
Nighttime, I think a black pair of heels is almost never a bad option (or again the sandals depending on the dress)...I have a riot girl streak in me so, a pair of black docs are always an option with just about anything
I'd be inclined to go with white or nude heels with what you're describing. White if you can get away without having to wear the hosiery, nude if you do have to. The stockings/tights concerned just the usual light tan to get some colour on your legs, pattern is up to you.
Disclaimer: I don't think I've got any colour sense either! 😉 Be interested to see what other more experienced girls say.
Do have the most wonderful time hon 🙂 I hope to read all about it (and see some photos of course!) on here in a few months.
Fiona xxx
If you're going with pink and white, you want white shoes and tights.
Take a look at some GG that You admire and wants to look like.
Hi Chrissie. That sounds wonderful your 10 days in May. You have me a tad jealous. My rules I follow for colours are just from my experience and might be wrong but here we go.
White top skirt or slacks means white or tan shoes.
Black top skirt or slacks means black shoes.
White and black together whatever the top is wear that colour shoes.
Shoes that are not black, white or tan must match the colour of your dress or top.
I never wear the same colour top and skirt or same colour top and slacks.
All florals will go with black but some floral prints can be too light to go with white.
Floral top and floral skirt or floral slacks together is normally too much however there can be the odd exception.
Natural colour pantyhose go with anything. I particularly like the ones that give your legs a tanned appearance.
Black tights, stockings or pantyhose need black shoes and the skirt or dress to be dark.
I hope that helps. I'd love to know if you think I should change any my rules or if there is something I should add. There always seems to be something new to learn about fashion.
All the best for your 10 days in May Chrissie and I hope you have a wonderful time.
Thank you so much Olivia. Lots of useful advice to digest. I'm sure I'll have a wonderful time no matter how bad my colour co-ordination is 😂. I'm a keen golfer but the thought of playing en femme is just beyond my wildest dreams! xx
What a lovely story Olivia and thank you so much for the compliments. Hadn't thought about the practicality of having boobs. What a hoot! xx