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Why are shoes like this?

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Eminent Member     Ohio, United States of America
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  Since I started crossdressing I have noticed a very impractical feature of some women's shoes - the buckle is on the outside (lateral aspect ) of the foot. They would be so much easier to close if they were on the inside (medial aspect)! Or even in front! In order to see what I'm doing I have to kneel down and look over the side and if I'm wearing a long wig at the time it always falls in a way to obscure the buckle. Does this annoy anyone else?

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Now I think about it ...yes, it IS annoying!

Ellie x

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Posted by: @athelas

I have noticed a very impractical feature of some women's shoes

You could've stopped there!  



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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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True. And it's not only applicable to shoes. Almost everything we love to wear is impractical in some way!

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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
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Well, yes it's a bit awkward but, if they were at the front, it might detract from the look and, if they were on the inside, I would most likely rip my tights and my ankles!

Allie x

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Noble Member     Cathedral City, California, United States of America
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@alexina Exactly.

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Trusted Member     Somerville, New Jersey, United States of America
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@athelas you are spot on. I thought I was just not use to it.

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    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
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@athelas That's one of those things I just accepted as being part of womens' shoes and didn't think about ... but now you've pointed it out, I won't be able to un-notice it!  I'll still love my shoes anyway though 🙂

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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
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My wife suggested that I put my foot on a chair when I'm doing the buckles, I find it's easier to reach. 

Baroness Annual
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Noble Member     Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
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@alexina I just sit on the bottom stairs to put my girl shoes or boots on. It's the only sensible way for me to do it even though a few contortions might be involved. I have to take care, though, if I am wearing a short skirt or dress 🤗 .

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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@athelas Lateral, medial, doesn't bother my fingers yet. My guess is that it would be easier for most people to fiddle with a buckle on the outside side, plus it would show off the fashion element. It could also be an historical thing.

Zippers, on two of my boots, are on the inside. I like the suggestion about buckles possibly catching, if on the inside. However, you would not want the buckle on the front. There are tendons there that likely could be irritated by them.

The Bata Shoe Museum just re-opened and I was thinking about taking the mistress down to see it. If we go, I will ask them.

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Noble Member     Delaware, United States of America
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@athelas I'm with you Danielle.  I hate buckles.  I much prefer shoes that zip up the back, have stretch straps or are strapless like mules.

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Noble Member     Cathedral City, California, United States of America
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@athelas When you take your shoes off, leave them buckled. When you put them on again, slide the strap up by moving your finger under it from side to side. Remember that you are only working with soft tissue in your heel, so don’t worry if it squeezes a bit.


Remember that nail polish hardens from the outside, in. It may be dry to the touch, but may not be hardened inside.

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Noble Member     Wick, Caithness, United Kingdom
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@athelas Not just shoes, it took me ages to get used to buttoning blouses & jeans up the wrong way round 😆

Baroness Annual
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Noble Member     Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
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@sashabennett Since I am out most days crossdressed I am getting used to buttons or zips being the wrong way round. Unfortunately the other day when I had to get dressed in drab I found myself getting momentarily confused because my male garments seemed to have the buttons and zips the wrong way round 🤨 .

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Prominent Member     Renfrew, Ontario, Canada
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@athelas come on ladies, suck it up! Try doing up those heels with long nails!! Many here have figured out the easiest methods, like stairs for one. I use the bed. Just put your knee on the bed and the shoe becomes easily accessible. I prefer the criss cross straps on my heels, or none at all. Slides are just slip on slip off but take practice wearing. Zip up the back work great too and of course a great fitting pair of open toe pumps are a no brainer. And don’t forget ladies, after you get your breath back from doing up those straps there’s the ankle bracelet to do up, just in case you forgot.

muah! Jillleanne

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
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Yes, buckles on the inside would be a nightmare of catching and tripping over, I mean one of the things we have to do to walk like a woman is to put one in line foot in front of the other so the feet pass really close to one another and the fewer obstructions there the better. Buckles on the front might tend to make the shoe look more like a shoegirls sandal, although some might like that style 😉

Most of my shoes are slip-on, zipped boots or lace-ups, I don't have any with buckles.


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Eminent Member     Ohio, United States of America
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@rebeccabaxter I guess buckles on the inside of the shoes would indeed tear the nylons. I do have a couple pairs of shoes where the strap slides from the inside to the outside after you Buckle it.

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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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I have a pair of sidebuckle shoes, and there's always a bit of contorsionism needed when I'm fastening them. I've almost put my back out once or twice!

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Reputable Member     South Central, Indiana, United States of America
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I wonder if it is not for the same reason buttons are on backwards.  You Ladies Maid would find it easier to buckle your shoe....

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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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I'll remember that next time I go upstairs to put on my hat. 

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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
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Hmm, lady's maid you say, can't see my wife liking that much...

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Estimable Member     western part of state, Texas, United States of America
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@dianas1960 I was thinking the same thing but wanted to read all of the comments.  I had always heard that the reason lady's belts and buttons were opposite from men's were so the lady's servant could dress the lady quicker.

Being important has its perks, some one to buckle those heels, lace that corset and everything else.


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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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Posted by: @paulapantyhose

I had always heard that the reason lady's belts and buttons were opposite from men's were so the lady's servant could dress the lady quicker.

This is one of the reasons given by the Smithsonian. Breast feeding and industrial manufacturing during Napoleon's era are two others.

They aren't 100% sure about the reason for men's buttons to be on the opposite side, either. It may be related to having to dress themselves more often, or related to military clothing or equipment.


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(@Anonymous 95305)
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Bingo! Diana got it! That’s exactly the reason! 
Ok, it is bothersome for the same reasons mentioned above while putting them on, but (and this is a big but) I love the way I have to lean my leg inside and tilt my foot outside to unbuckle them. 
You can say it: I have WAY overthought this!

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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
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You can say it: I have WAY overthought this!

Not at all, Sheryl, I love that too. The same way I cross my legs to put court shoes on and off, another little feminine thing that pleases us so much 😊

(@Anonymous 95305)
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@alexina yes! It’s those little nuances that often are more powerful than wearing a little black dress! For me anyway!

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Noble Member     California, United States of America
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Many tiny things about women's shoes and clothes are odd....probably designed at first by men (lol).

The tiny buckle on strappy heels, and the tiny holes in straps, how does a woman fiddle with those when she has beautiful nails.

Tiny pockets on jeans.

Zippers on the back of jeans and skirts.

Bra clasps on the back assuming every wearer is that flexible to reach there.

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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Oh for goodness sake girls - what is supposed to be practical about womens wear? Zips and clasps at the back, Buckles and bows, hose that snags at the slightest touch, highest of heels, practicality out of the window. That's why back in the day ladies employed dressers to assist in all the fiddly parts of dressing. 

Clothes are meant to look good that's all, imagine how drab they would be without the impracticality? 

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Reputable Member     Fort Collins, Colorado, United States of America
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@ab123 Angela, you are ABSOLUTELY CORRECT! There is no logic to women's clothes, just like taxes in the U.S.!

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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Posted by: @ab123

Oh for goodness sake girls - what is supposed to be practical about womens wear?

It's not as if some designers haven't tried to be practical.

Even though brasseries are a fairly recent invention, it's not as if designers have stopped experimenting with their designs, features or abilities. But do the designers ever learn what isn't practical from their product failures?

One design that I, so far, consider with mixed blessings is the front-closing bra using normal back hooks on the front. Not all of mine stay closed. Practical? In one way. Convenient? Definitely, but not when it separates. Reliable? Not always. Buckle and barrel closures are more practical, but not all front-closing bras have them yet. At least Wacoal learned what is practical.

And, yes, I would love to have a chambermaid help me with some of my dressing.


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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
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buckles on the insides risk laddering tights. Most of my femme shoes are slip on, I have 1 pair of heels with a buckle.

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Noble Member     Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
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Hi girls,

I have been dressing in feminine clothing for so long that I've "forgotten" most of these "inconveniences". It was just part of the journey into embracing the woman I always knew I was. I quickly learned how to put on and wear a bra, panties, stockings, pantihose, heels, lipstick, nail polish, dresses, skirts, tops and anything else a girl would wear. After so many years, and now knowing I am an intersex female, I understand why it all felt so natural.


Ms. Lauren M

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(@Anonymous 95305)
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Annoying, yes, but no pain, no gain.  Every girl has to experience a little pain in order to look pretty.  Stiletto heels, corsets, girdles, pantyhose, etc.  We endure it all, because we want to be girls and look pretty.

For me, summer is here.  When I slip my foot into a pretty sandal, the buckle is the final touch on a foot that I have already dolled up by working on removing calluses, gone to the nail salon for a pedicure, have a pretty color on all the toe nails, wearing toe rings and an anklet. 

Males don't do all that type of pretty stuff.  I do, because I love being a girl! 


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Famed Member     Delaware, United States of America
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It was interesting and fun reading the comments.

I have a couple pair of heels with buckle closures as well as a pair of sandals. With the sandals and one pair of heels I am able to buckle them and keep them buckled as there is a small piece of elastic that stretches enough to slip over my heel when I put them on and keeps them in place. The other pair I have to bend my leg inward to reach the buckle to attach it which I find it to be a very girlie thing to do. My wife was the one who suggested keeping the shoes buckled. She gives me tips like that at times. 

As to the comments made about other articles of clothing I agree but I also find it part of the experience of dressing. I don't wear button down blouses often so when I do it is a bit of a challenge. I so have a couple pair of women's shorts my wife gave me that the zipper opens on the left. When I've worn them it is easy to forget that but is a nice reminder that I'm wearing female shorts. They are the one item I wear outside the house that my wife is okay with, there are also a pair of ankle boots I can wear out. We have an agreement that my dressing stays in the house so her saying I can wear those things out is a big deal for me.



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