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Wife likes my beard

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Trusted Member     Andhra pradesh, India
Joined: 3 years ago

Hello CDH lovelies !!

Just sharing a situation.
So, Refreshing my background -  39 year old Crossdresser. Married. Wife has no idea about my dressing. 
I get to dress up once in 3-4 months for a week or so when wife and family are off to my in laws place. 
My wife likes me to maintain a stubble on my beard. She likes that look and quite frankly i like it too. 

So, everytime i get to dress up, I come up with a couple of standard excuses to clean shave my face , which my wife is ok with . But her only request is to not clean shave the mushtache. At the least is to zero trim it or trim it at the trimmer's lowest setting. So that atleast the shadow is visible. I am ok with that as I only dress up at home and dont venture out. i cover it up with makeup and camera filters. But if u see it in mirror or in person, it could be visible. 

So now, Am planning to have my first professional makeover done in a few weeks. And the basic requirement for it is to have a clean shaven face. Am worried about the reaction i'd get from my wife if i clean shave my mustache. 

Am away only for a day from home. So I cant even hope that it'd grow back by the time I get back home the next day. 

Any suggestions ladies !!! 🙂


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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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Short of:

a). saving the moustache trimmings and gluing them back on again afterwards, or

b). drawing a new mustache on using a marker pen

... I can't think of a straightforward solution.

There aren't really any cosmetic products that will effectively cover up a fully grown mustache. You might just have to come up with an inventive excuse for its temporary absence 🙂


Ellie x

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Trusted Member     Andhra pradesh, India
Posts: 34

haha !! probably i should have posted this in relationship advice rather than makeup advice !! haha

but yea...the only excuse i can think of is - ' oops ... shaving accident ' 😀 😀

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Trusted Member     Baltimore, Maryland, United States of America
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@jennykumari I would just tell your wife you really wanted to see what its like to be clean shaven again.  It will grow back quickly.

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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@jackienerfed Mine takes about 2 months to fill back in from scratch. His wife may differ on that definition of quickly.

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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Posted by: @jennykumari

Any suggestions ladies !!! 🙂

I am in the same boat and don't have a solution for you, either .

I have had a full mustache since my teenage years. I like it still because it gives my balding head a bit of visual balance, but then I could just through caution to the wind and shave it off anyway. (I did that once a few decades ago and got curious looks from our daughter. My wife wanted the old me to grow it back ) Doing so would build up the body of evidence of me getting rid of all of my body hair, though.

I look forward to reading about your solution.


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Trusted Member     Andhra pradesh, India
Posts: 34


hi .. well.. after hearing to all the lovely ladies... I've decided to just go for it and brace for impact ..haha. In the sense..there will be shock reaction but i have to stand ground that i wanna try this look for a few days. lead up to my makeover, I've started trimming the mush really close. So that the change wont look extreme.
BTW... one latest update is - the reaction from my wife to me keeping a clean/ minimal  facial hair is that she is jealous that i'd look much younger than her in this look !! Haha .. not too sure how to react to that !!! 



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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 4018

@jennykumari Take it as a compliment and thank her with a big smile (and keep your fingers crossed).

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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I would ask them this question at the makeover. I am sure that there are techniques that can be applied to your situation as it surely isn't new. Perhaps give them a call..

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Trusted Member     Andhra pradesh, India
Posts: 34

sure .... i'll check with them. 

thanks angela

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Estimable Member     Noord-Holland, Netherlands
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Shave it. And if you really want to give a reason for it, you can say that you want to have a smooth face every now and then. 😉 

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Trusted Member     Andhra pradesh, India
Posts: 34


heck ya !! just do it eh !!

Sometimes we just complicate stuff in our head !!

Thanks kim !!

(@Anonymous 76954)
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@jennykumari My wife had never seen me without the mustache, had it for 45 yrs.  When I retired and knew stephanie was coming out I shaved my beard and my family was aghast.  But they got used to it and liked it.  My SO bought me a wig and we both said it was a stretch to present as stephanie with a big mustache, but she was not all on board on shaving that.  As I was spending more time as stephanie it was really bothering me to have all that lip hair.  One day I just shaved it off and everyone friends and family were shocked.  I look and feel 20 years younger and my wife is getting used to and does think stephanie does better without it.  Just takes a little time for people to adjust.  I am much happier with a smooth face looking back at me from the mirror, especially with a bit of lipstick

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Trusted Member     Andhra pradesh, India
Posts: 34

great to hear your experience stephanie !!
Its just that initial shock that we need to be able to handle ... 

thank u

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
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Earlier this year I shaved off my beard so I could cross dress properly. My wife always said I looked like my mother when I shaved (which was about twice in 30 years) and didn't want me to lose it, but she was also getting interested in Rebecca and finally agreed to get over it for a while. Two months later and she has completely forgotten about me having a beard and no longer thinks I look like my mother (who is long deceased, I might add). Rebecca is also quite adept at NOT looking like her (his) mother using clothes and makeup so the issue has simply evaporated.


Say you want to give the clean-shaven look a go as you are fed up of keeping things trimmed neatly when it is much easier to just shave it all off (and it really is). I seriously doubt your world will come to an end just because you are light a few whiskers.

And and you never know where starting on the clean-shaven look might lead in future Wink Tongue Out .



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Trusted Member     Andhra pradesh, India
Posts: 34


isnt it awesome when your S/O is on board with your interests !! 

I will try to take this plunge...and as u said-never know what it might lead to !! 😀 😀 😉 


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 J J
Famed Member     California, United States of America
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I agree, just tell jer the truth, you want to try hair-free for awhile, and that if you din't like it, you will griw it back. The besr thung about hair is it grows back, and the worst thing about hair (for those of us who shave our legs) is it grows back.

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Trusted Member     Andhra pradesh, India
Posts: 34


Thanks JJ.. seems like it is best to keep it simple and say I wanna try this look for a few days rather than beating round the bush 😀 

Though not anytime soon but sometime in the future wud like to shave my legs. Fortunately Except for the face and legs, i dont have much body hair. 


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Reputable Member     MPLS, Minnesota, United States of America
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I remember going through the same facial hair struggle. When I started crossdressing on my overnight business trips the urge to go out in public was so strong I knew I had to shave my facial hair of many years my family and friends were all very curious also. It’s been ten years and I never go over 24 hours without shaving. 

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Eminent Member     Alberta, Canada
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Maybe you could get a 'Conchita Wurst' makeover instead?

Have a google to see: 'Bearded Cross-Dresser Conchita Wurst'

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Eminent Member     Preston, Lancashire, United Kingdom
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In drab i have short facial hair which my SO likes (as do I). This is not a problem as I rarely go out in femme mode anyway.  We plan a few times a year when Stephanie Mode can last a good week or so and then the facial hair comes off (bliss). She is fine with this as it's back within 10 days to its normal state. During this time when Stepanie is 24/7 we pull up the drawbridge and repell all boarders and enjoy our own time together. It's only afterwards during the regrowth period if friends and family comment I usually say I forgot the guard when trimming and took a chunk of and it looked odd so it all had to go. A white lie of course but better than the backlash and 'their' upset through lack of understanding. 

Stephanie x.

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Estimable Member     Wausau , Wisconsin, United States of America
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My first wife insisted I grow a beard to see what I would look like. I let it grow out for a couple of months. It was the only time I ever had a beard. Didn’t really like it. Made me look like a totally different person. I think my wife was getting bored with the old me. She didn’t know anything about my crossdressing tendencies at that time. After I shaved it off I had a couple of women I know said I looked so much better without it. I know several guys in there seventies who let their beards grow out. I think they look twenty years older with their long gray beards. I have never grown a beard since that first time many years ago. I and my current wife love a smooth face. 


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