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My next step on my journey to go out fully enfem, is to purchase a wig. I'm hoping to get this done before I do my makeup session next month. Since I won't go out a lot, and will have to put the wig on after I leave the house, I'm looking for something that I don't have to style. Something I can just shake out, brush, and be good to go. Am I correct in assuming wigs like this exists? If so, what do I look for when searching? Any suggestions on ones you have tried that fit this criteria would be great,y appreciated too. I don't need suggestions on color and style, I've already got that in mind. Something brown, like my natural hair used to be, shoulder length with a little wave to it. Basically like FaceApp gives me.
Thanks in advance,
Be careful with Faceapp, watch this, especially with reference to our sometimes secretive lives:
Hi Stephanie
I hate to say this but if you want to look convincing, your wig is probably the most important thing you can have in your CD stash. Unfortunately, cheap wigs very rarely cut the mustard. My advice is to not rush into buying a wig but contact a wig store and arrange to try on a number of styles in various shades/styles and price-points. I don't know about where you are in CA but here in the UK wig stores are all used to CD's and have private fitting rooms to accommodate the shy ones. Generally, they are more than happy to help even if your are dressed as a male. They will also be able to cut and style the wig to suit your face shape. There are plenty of wigs which meet your requirement to be pre-styled but they will all be synthetic fibre wigs. A good wig store will have plenty of different wigs for you to try.
I would be wary of any business which basically only caters to CD's. Most wigs are bought by cis women suffering from hair loss due to chemotherapy etc and hence a wig store is much more likely to carry a wide range of stock. CD business may stock only limited lines and try to fob you off with old stock they haven't been able to shift.
After buying a number of synthetic hair wigs and never feeling completely satisfied I finally took the plunge and bought a human hair wig, a decision I haven't regretted except they are very expensive, about the equivalent of USD2,000 here in the UK.
Personally, I think this is a decision where seeking professional help is well worth the effort. My apologies if this reply isn't what you wanted to hear but wigs are expensive and you don't want to waste your money.
Hi Stephanie,
There's no easy answer, naturally, and opinions will vary. Here are mine, for what they're worth.
Firstly, as with most things, you get what you pay for. Many synthetic wigs will be a nightmare to brush, as the strands often tangle and knot very easily. This is especially true with longer styles. I know that a lot of girls here have had success with synthetics, so it's also down to an element of luck. Some of them are very good. Synthetics are what you commonly get at costume stores, generally designed for a handful of uses only. For these you'll typically pay around $30 to $40.
Better options are human/synthetic hybrids, which have a lot more durability and don't tangle quite so easily. Because of the extra weight in the strands they hang better. Prices for hybrids start around $40, but you can pay $250 or more, depending on quality.
The best option is fully human hair. They look and behave the best, and are the easiest to maintain, but they are also the costliest. Depending on brand you could be paying several hundred dollars.
All wigs shed hair with every brush and comb, but good quality wigs will last years.
There are loads of online outlets to browse. The choice is bewildering, as with most femme things!
The hair in your profile pic looks a little like my wig, which is definitely good to go after a shake out and brush. It's a human/synthetic, and cost me £125 about 15 years ago. She's looking a bit tired now, and a replacement is on the horizon.
Hope this helps!
If your budget is only $100 check out Paula Young wigs online. I own several of them, all less than $100. They also sell human hair wigs, much more expensive, like $350 if you can afford it.
The wig I have on in my profile photo was purchased at a CD/Transformation shop that also caters to persons undergoing chemo treatment who have had hair loss. This wig is quite realistic but was only $100 including tax. Once I tried it on and liked it, the proprietor shaped it and cut it to my desire RE bangs, length, etc. Again, I'm in Illinois near Chicago, but if you search Wigs for CDs in your local area, or Google LGBT friendly wig stores near me you should come up with several options.
Good luck!!
Question for you US girls. What are bangs? Is this what we would call a fringe in the UK? Thanks ladies xx.
I've always been rather curious as to why Americans call a fringe 'bangs', I mean bangs implies more than one. Also it's not that Americans don't use the word 'fringe'. Take the song by Rogers and Hammerstein -- two Americans -- The Surrey with the Fringe on Top from the musical Oklahoma, the 'fringe' describes the trim that runs around the edge of the removable roof of an old-style carriage, which is presumably where we get our use of the word for the front part of ones hair.
A look through Wikipedia reveals this as an answer though:
The term bangs originally referred to hair cut bang-off (i.e., straight across at the front), although the term is now applied to diverse forms of hair styling. It is probably related to bang-tail, a term still used for the practice of cutting horses' tails straight across.[1] The term fringe refers to the resemblance of the short row of hair to ornamental fringe trim, such as those often found on shawls
So now I know.
Good to a wig store is by far the best option. I have been three times, twice to the store near me, and once in Salt Lake City. The SA's are great and don't care in the least about CDs. Trying several colors and styles is important. I see all kinds of cute wigs online, but they look totally different on my head. A good SA will help find the right wig for your face, skin tone, and age. If you are only going to buy one wig, make sure you get it right.