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Wigs question two...

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Reputable Member     Houston, Texas, United States of America
Joined: 2 years ago

As i shop for a wig, i see various 'cap' styles and am confused. I am starting with a bald noggin. What cap type do i want? And once again, my budget is $100... Thanks

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Duchess Annual
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Estimable Member     Connecticut, United States of America
Posts: 83


Bald here as well, Megan. I like - lots of styles and discreet shipping.  They have lots of 30% off sales - so wait for one.  Lastly - please, please, please - find the extra $$$ and get a synthetic lace front wig.  You will not regret it (and you will if you don’t). 


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Prominent Member     Honesdale, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Posts: 485

@sailor2000 Megan,

In your budget there won't be choices for cap style. Most if not all will be the same construction. You'll find differences in the more expensive wigs. Things like lace front or an area where the part is that has material that if seen resembles scalp for a natural appearance. I don't remember all the construction types but if you look at some of the brand sites, like Paula Young, Raquel Welch, Godiva Secret Wigs, Jon Renau you will see descriptions and videos of the various types of manufacturing. 

Basically you want to buy something that has some type of adjustment like straps in the back with either velcro or hooks that connect to the band. You would want ear tabs with wire so they can be adjusted to stay close to the head in front of your ears. 

There is lots to learn. The best advice I can give is do your research. The sites and videos will have all the details you need to make an informed decision. 

Lastly, gather your courage and call a wig salon. Tell them you are CD and ask for help and an appointment. They all have private rooms for people who have concerns about buying a wig, like cancer patients who are shy about their treatments. You will get advice on styles and colors that are flattering to your face and skin. You will be able to try before you buy and won't make the mistake I'm sure we've all made of buying something that looked fabulous on a female model and horrible on us then having to return it, pay a restocking fee and feel down about it, or end up keeping something you'll never wear or if you do you feel bad. It's scary making that call. When I did I went to the shop and said I'm a crossdresser and I want help selecting a wig. The associate looked at me and said "Did you have anything in mind" and off we went. 

It's a big step but it's a rewarding one.

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Noble Member     Ohio, United States of America
Joined: 5 months ago

If this is your first wig definitely go with a wear and go wig some wigs come where they have to be cut and fitted you can do them types by yourself but be careful you don’t cut to much good luck TC 

Posts: 768
Noble Member     Florida, United States of America
Joined: 2 years ago

Megan, just look for wigs that are large caps, they are out there on both as well as Paula Young.  Both have styles in your price range.

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Baroness Annual
Famed Member     New York, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago


You have to measure your head from the back at the base of the skull around to your forehead. Wigs dot com where I buy all my wigs has an area where they show you how. I believe the rule of thumb is 22 in. and over needs a large cap wig. But check because each site may be slightly different. 


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