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hello girls, hoping you are all well ! 🙂 . now today I should I would share a topic which many of us know all about, wigs!
I bought my first wig about 4 years ago now and it has received quite a lot of punishment over that time. it is a blonde wig with shoulder length hair with pretty ringlets. I do not use it much now as it has become so tangled, even Houdini would not be able to escape out of it! the big error I made was going to bed and sleeping with it on, I figured if women can go to bed with long hair and wake up in the morning with tidy hair, then I could, how wrong was I? I still dont know why the wig gets so tangled, whereas human hair seems to survive but suffice to say I have seen tidier roadkill than that wig!
following on since the first ill-fated wig, I have bought three more since. two long blonde ones and most recently a shortish 'bob' wig with 'bangs'. that one is a golden kind of blonde and I am not too sure even if it suits me as I think it makes me look more like a little boy than a girl!
regarding looks, I have to veer towards long wigs, I like the hair going down my back but hate the high maintenance associated with them.
so girls, what are your views on wigs? can you sleep in them, do you like long or short wigs, and what colours do you all prefer?
love fiona xx
Hi Fiona,
I have 4 wigs, long, medium, bob and shag and colours red and brunette.
I have never slept while wearing a wig and not sure if it is possible.
My next wig I think will be medium length but in a grayish tone.
For those that are looking at buying their first wig I would suggest The Breast Form Store has a nice selection and for those in Canada you might want to visit Canada Wig site.
Also in regards to style I googled mature women's hair styles and also took a look at images of Jane Fonda and Helen Mirren because I love their styles.
Long hair wigs can require higher maintenance and rubbing on cloths can create stress at the ends so extra care maybe required to deal with the frizzy dry ends. I find wig conditioners and Envy Renu and Repair glosser spray works wonders.
And last Fiona brought up a good point about styles. Bangs with a blunt cut may emphasis the structure of the male forehead instead of feminizing your features.
I have two of the same style but different colors; one blonde and one closer to my natural color of a deep brunette . They’re medium length with a gentle wave and swept bangs. Much like my hair was in high school. Wish I never chopped it off lol. But anyway, no, I do not sleep in them. I spent too much to risk messing them up lol. And it’s so much easier to do your hair in the morning when you don’t have to comb it out :). They are high maintenance, but with a wide tooth comb and de-tangling spray, they work with me after some begging and pleading. As far as style, only style I’d stay away from myself is something long and straight. I have a somewhat oblong face and I’d be afraid of long and straight making me look more oblong. Bangs and waves are my best friends
Hi Fiona,
Thank you for the warning, I only have 2 wigs, my black hair costume wig and my shoulder length blonde hair with ringlets, sensing a commonality between us, and knowing that it will be sometime before I can afford another.
My natural hair whether long or short is always crazy when I wake in the morning, so i would imagine my wig probably would do the same thing. So I have decided that when I am feeling femme at night, I am pulling the short pixie cut instead. I even spike my hair a bit to try to achieve my avatar's hair style.
I have purchased a few over the years but find the real human hair ones to last the best. Check out Milanoo they have a good range at a good price although it can take a while to get the goods but worth it if your patient.
Hi Fiona,
Thank you for posting this topic. I have long avoided looking into using a wig.
Yet, I seems I am leaning that way more and more. It just takes too long to grow my own to the length I woulld like.
Also, thanks to all who have posted on this topic as you are helping many others as well.
-Terri Anne
I've always felt I looked better in long wigs, but that might be to do with my face shape or something. There was a high-end synthetic Rene of Paris wig that I loved bit wore until it got so worn down that I had to get rid of it. It was subsequently replaced with a similar high-end synthetic Noriko which I still wear as my main wig. They are both good - even though I think the Rene of Paris is better quality, it might just have been that style so I can't speak for the brand as a whole.
As for other wigs, I've got a short wig that I hardly wear because I never liked it. I also have a less expensive synthetic Forever Young long wig which I was worried at first would be terrible. It's actually ok, clearly inferior to the Noriko one but for short wears it is actually fine. It's got cute bangs which are very youngish looking. I also have a long curly purple haired wig which is more of a party wig that I wear if the occasion is right.
I've slept in the Noriko but it takes a lot of brushing and conditioner to fix the morning after. Sleeping in the Forever Young would totally mess it up in terms of knots and such so I haven't tried. After reading the posts here I'm tempted to shop around for a low end human hair wig and see how it compares with my high-end synthetic ones.
I need to get a new wig style here after the new year. Thinking lighter color and losing the bangs for the first time ever but still shoulder length.
I like Forever Young - they sell great forms, and the wigs (to me, as a relative newcomer to wigs) are really nice.
They don't stay nice long if you bundle them up in a bag... I'm still learning :0)
Anyone else have good experiences with this brand?
I am having a frustrating time with my wig. It is a short bob wig. It takes me so long to put it on and get it to look good. This evening I was 25 minutes trying to get it to look and feel right. In the end my Wife (who is very understanding with my cross dressing) wondered why it was taking me so long to get ready. She told me that I have nice hair anyway and not to bother with the wig, she even said that she wished she had hair like mine !
In the end I gave up with the wig. It was making me frustrated and it was taking the fun out of the CD experience. I have short hair, so I am not sure that I look femme enough.
I am 75 years young and I am wearing a long sleeve red ladies tee shirt with a black leather mini skirt, black hold ups and black knee length boots. I feel very happy when dressed, and feel even better when I have written down my problems like this.
hi Alison. maybe not everyone suits a wig. i feel the shorter ones dont really suit me, i tend to go for longer ones, but the caveat there is they are quite high maintenance. as long as you feel good Alison with yourself, that's all that matters.
fiona xxx
Hi Fiona,
Thank you for your kindness, I already feel more at ease now that you have said that.
I have just posted a photo of me in my red top, black leather mini skirt and black knee length boots. and not wearing a wig, The photo was taken by my Wife who is very understanding and she said why bother with all the hassle of wearing a wig. The photo may take a while beofre it appears on the Photos section.
I am a very happy bunny right now !!
Alison XxX
Hi Fiona,
Glad you said this I was wondering if you could sleep in a wig. I just bought my first one. I'm still wanting to grow my own hair out and style it as I have nice hair and should be able to style it pretty good. But since it has been bothering me not getting the look I want I bought a pretty wig today. It is a dark brown almost a black. I love the way it looks with curly length to my shoulders with low hanging bangs that feather back. Now that I have it at home I'm wishing the bangs were a touch higher. However, I'm not use to styling it yet. I bought one with real hair since I can curl it and use a curling iron on it. I noticed trying to choose can be so difficult with where I went has so many choices.
I am wondering how often I should wear my wig. IvI' noticed you can get a little itchy and this one cost like $158 so not too cheap. Don't know if just getting use to or being new and first wear. Any ideas on this?
I have one saved on wish.com--waiting for the next 50% coupon hehe