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Do you wear women’s perfume, cologne (fragrances) in public in drab as a routine? Poll is created on Jan 07, 2025


Women’s cologne while in drab…

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Reputable Member     Houston, Texas, United States of America
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Ever wear women’s cologne, perfume, etc. in ‘public’ while drab? Would anyone notice? Other than ‘Old Spice’ and the like, is there even a ‘line’ between fragrances anymore other than what the marketing says? 

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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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My sister was the one who helped me choose CK1 (by Calvin Klein) as an everyday fragrance. It's marketed as unisex, and you can use that as an explanation if anyone asks, but to my nose at least it's a very feminine scent.

For going out and about en femme I wear Mitsouko by Guerlain ... but that isn't something I'd risk in drab!

Laugh Loud  

Also, it's so expensive that I wouldn't want to waste it.

Having saved up enough to buy a bottle, I now need to make it last for several years.

Ellie x

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Trusted Member     Washington, United States of America
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@ellyd22 I was going to look at CK1 for the same reasons.

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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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Unisex perfumes are quite the thing at the moment. My sister got me to try a few before we hit on this one.

I love it!

Ellie x

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Trusted Member     Inverness, Caithness, United Kingdom
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@ellyd22 I love CK1! In our house we came to the conclusion that there is no such thing as gender specific fragrancies and general toiletries, so we purchase and use what we both like and frequently swap perfumes. My wife is a devil for "borrowing" my nail polish though!!! Laugh Loud

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Sounds like a great house 🙂

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Trusted Member     Inverness, Caithness, United Kingdom
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@ellyd22 We do ok and it is really nice.❤️

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Hi Megan - yes, I have definitely done this - several times I have pinched a spritz of my wife's perfume or mist spray and gone to work - but only when she's not here or I'm confident it will have worn off by the time I get home.

No one has ever said anything, and doubt they would to be honest.  And a lot of scents are pretty unisex or subtle enough to get away with.  Some strong perfumes like Chanel No 5 or something may be more aimed at for women and might  be noticed, but even then, would anyone say anything?  I think it would be pretty easy to explain - "oh yeah, can you smell it too? - My wife douses herself in it, some must have rubbed onto my top when I hugged her goodbye this morning, but I kinda like it as it reminds me of her..." etc... who's gonna challenge that?  😉

Jen x

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Noble Member     Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
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@sailor2000 I do wear woman’s perfume a lot while out in drab. Almost anywhere but at work.

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Reputable Member     British Columbia, Canada
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@sailor2000 Hi Megan, I don’t wear perfume, or men’s cologne. I do wear ladies deodorant all the time, my wife and I share shower and bath products , and I use nice scented body butters to lotion my legs. I work in an all male workplace and never ever a comment has been made. It’s nice to smell nice!!

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Prominent Member     Cincinnati, Ohio, United States of America
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@sailor2000; My wife hates my feminine mannerisms and has a strong sense of smell, so any "female" fragrance that I wear in "drab" mode has to be subtle and lite.

I primarily use Bath & Body Works White Jasmine Fine Fragrance Mist and I only use it when she is not around and I'm going to be out for awhile.

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Noble Member     Ocala, Florida, United States of America
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Excellent question! All I own are women’s fragrances. I try to choose ones that are a bit on the subtle side. As you mention, the line between what is considered a male fragrance and a female fragrance has blurred over the years. Most people don’t, or won’t notice. I have had women in the past ask me what scent I was wearing because they really liked it. A former employee used to buy me Victoria’s Secret fragrances for my birthday and Christmas. She knew about my crossdressing and was very supportive and encouraging.

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Estimable Member     Colorado, United States of America
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Hi Megan, first vote " sometimes", your question to " if there is a line?" I would say no. Seems to me there are extremes at both spectrum's. For instance, my body wash is Japaneses cherry blossom from bath & body works and moisturizer is the same. Daily. if out in the mall or restaurant's I will add a light scented perfume. Some women comment, but my wife is usually with me. Pride Heart Kathi

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 J J
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I do not wear scents often, but when I do I prefer something very subtle. IMHO, a scent is something you barely notice, more of a thought of a scent that l3qves you wondering and wanting more. If a preson, man or woman, walks by and you smell them, they are wearing too much. 

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I use women's perfumes all the time, drab or not.   Like emily, my collection of perfumes are all marketed towards girls. 

No one has said anything though, so i am not sure if I they do smell it but don't say anything or they don't smell it at all.



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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
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I use women's slightly-scented deodorant and I always wear either Poison (a knock-off though) or Good Girl (the genuine stuff) when in drab or otherwise. No one has ever said anything and if they did, I'd just tell them what brand it was and move on.

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Estimable Member     MICHIGAN CITY, Indiana, United States of America
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I use all women's products when I dress including perfume, its all part of the joy for me

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Estimable Member     Colorado, United States of America
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When dressing women's fragrance is another item to add to the "package". Being all dolled up, it's a must like any other item we seem to obsess over here. I use a rather pricey Italian fragrance, called Rocco Barocco. Love it! For the most part, I do NOT have it on when in drab, unless it's left over from dressing, then I just let it be.



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Noble Member     South Carolina, United States of America
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I used to use CK1 as well when I went to work each day. But it’s seems like everyone is allergic to everything these days so I wouldn’t bother now. I have thought about adding it in to the Grace scenarios though. Estée Lauder Pleasures would be a good addition as it makes me crazy😜(old girl friend used to wear it)

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Reputable Member     London, United Kingdom
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I've only gone as far as wearing women’s deodorant while in drab. Even then, there have been times when I've backed out and sprayed men's deodorant on top of it.

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Baroness Annual
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Estimable Member     Maryland, United States of America
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@jessicacynthia I use Mitchum Women deodorant which I wear every day 🙂! My go to scents are powder fresh and pure fresh

Baroness Annual
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I love smelling like a woman 👩 

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@girlyboy9020 I'm familiar with Mitchum's Powder Fresh. I remember one time when I could clearly tell a GG was wearing it, and for a moment, I thought the scent was coming from me—until I realized I wasn't wearing it myself.

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Noble Member     Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
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I am an intersex trans woman, no such thing as 'drab', I haven't a single stitch of male oriented clothing!  So I use feminine soaps, body wash, shampoo, deodorant and perfume every day.  I do have several friends who are allergic to scents and when I know I will be seeing them, do not wear any scent.

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    Monroe, Wisconsin, United States of America
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I am a hard working man during the week but a Soft being when I'm not making a living in construction. I wear Secret deodorant Secretly quite often...Works well, love the smell. Never been called out on it. Thanks for the topic though. 




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Prominent Member     Northern California, California, United States of America
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Personally I always lov Jessica McClintock perfume,  but there lots of great one out there. 


Stephanie  👠


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