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18 years and no one to talk to

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Active Member     Highland Village, Texas, United States of America
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I've been a CD for 18 years and the two women I've told have used it as a weapon as a fight, one whom video taped then Youtubed it for everyone we know to see. Lost, hopeless, but still love the hell out of being dressed sexy as a woman.

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Illustrious Member     Peterborough , Ontario, Canada
Joined: 8 years ago

Franchesca, welcome. I'm so sorry to hear about previous incounters being outted.  Be assured your time here with us will be most comforting.  Meet many of our gals just like yourself who are experiencing their love for dressing. Making friends is so much fun and having them to talk to, share advice and most importantly a respect of what you mean to us and yourself . Seek the help and compassion that you have been looking for with good company and  I know we can and will support you through theses amazing times. Very happy meeting you.

Stephanie 🌹


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Eminent Member     Iowa, United States of America
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So sorry to hear that.

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Active Member     Highland Village, Texas, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Thank you. I've MANY tips on dressing and makeup. Have an entire closet filled with dozens of panties, hose, fishnets, full body nets, dresses (all very slutty, however), 9" stilettos, bras, micro dresses, nipple clamps, wigs, and 100s of dollars worth of makeup, especially lipstick. I love lipstick, even on my nipples (hope that doesn't break the "sex talk" thing, but it makes your breasts actually look like breasts, no matter how small).

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Illustrious Member     Peterborough , Ontario, Canada
Joined: 8 years ago

No worries,  lol!!. Wow!  Beautifully done. Getting  it all together girl! Where is this going? Certainly in the right direction. Best to you sweetie.


Stephanie 🌹

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Welcome to CDH Franchesca

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Active Member     Highland Village, Texas, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Not sure what touched you the most, but lipstick on your nipples to make it look like an aeriloa (sp?) I accidentally stumbled upon one late night and make a perfect circle around your nipple can make your nipples actually look like womens breasts. Still after about 16 years of lipstick (took a while to go from bathing suits and panties to wearing make up, but always at home), I'm not that great with my eye shadow, even though one of my exes was a professional make up artist and I took dilligent notes. But nothing feels better than being doing what I'm doing now. Brand new pink thing, make up, pink lipstick, 9" heels, stripper type dress, bra, clamps, fishnets, and of course, lipstick on the nips 😉 so scary, though, that I'm hetero, but want to be a woman half the time. Very confusing. But right now? I'm speaking to others similar to me, I'm alone at home yet not alone, watching what I like to watch, walking around as Francesca, working on my make up, wishing I had a friend with me who accepted me. 🙁 I know this isn't a dating site, so please let me know if I crossed any boudaries as I've been looking for a site like this for nearly 20 years. And to be honest, I may be Bi curious and have had some experiences, but still love women, obviously, or I wouldn't look like I am right now ready to strut down the runway.

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Estimable Member     Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
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Lipstick on the nipples is a new thing for me.  Never tried it.  Is there any particular shade that is better than others?


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Active Member     Highland Village, Texas, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

I prefer pink or dark red. It looks sexy but also makes it look more like breasts and female nipples. At least to me.

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Honorable Member     Pleasant Hill, California, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Welcome Franchesca (love the name btw)!

As talk of my crossdressing proclivities has been the apparent harbinger of death to every relationship I've been in I can relate... though I suppose I should be thankful none of my exes were vindictive enough to out me on the internet like that.  It still hurts and we have to be honest about that.  It helps me personally to realize that there was far more wrong with said relationships than how I choose to dress from time to time... though I'm humbled to admit that much of it stems from other inadequacies or personality defects on my part.  We're all imperfect people and imperfect people hurt each other, intentionally or no.  I wish with all my heart it wasn't so but that's the way life is.

Anyway... heavy stuff out of the way, welcome to the fold!  You couldn't have found a more loving, accepting, or informative bunch of ladies, so if you have any questions or just need a shoulder to cry on look no further. <3

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Active Member     Highland Village, Texas, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

I just need a place tov  meet like minded people, no judgement (if ya knew what I was doing right you you'd prob freak) , give advice, and have acceptance being me. As I said above, I'm currently dressed from r the runway...don't know if looks amazing, but head to toe from the 9" stilletos to the make up. But alone. 🙁

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Eminent Member     Indiana, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Hi Franchesca, that's so dreadful to hear about that woman disclosing your secret to everyone! I've always been too shy to let anyone I knew in real life know about my girlish pretensions, but I'm so glad to be able to let sympathetic people know on the Internet!

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New Member     Napa, California, United States of America
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Hello to all the wonderful girls on this chain of emails.  Franchesca, welcome to you from Debbie in California.  I regret hearing your story about being "outed" by former girlfriends and empathize with you.  I have been fortunate to have trusted 3 women with my feminine side, all former girlfriends and lovers and it worked "OK".  We as crossdressers live in a very prejudice world.  When I travel and meet woman, if I am able to develop an open conversation I ask these "strangers" a question.  "Would you date a man who crossdresses?"  Of the 30 or so women I have asked, none have said YES.  I show them my cell phone pictures (which I am most proud of) but to no avail.  They nicely say, no thanks.  Franchesa, like you I have been crossdressing for a long time.  I don't think any of us fully know why we do.  We love femininity.  We love being pretty.  We adore woman and wish to be one.  I don't know.  But we all know the trill of being dressed and pretending to be what we are not.  A woman.  As I sit here writing at 2:45 am in my fuchsia night gown, red 3" heels, c cup breasts and a lovely blond wig I feel wonderful.  But as I told my wife some time ago and we are separated, "It would have been easier if I told you I was gay."  But I (and we) are not gay.  We are men dreaming of being women.  I dream of having a gathering of girls just being girls. Nothing more.  Just talking, comfortable and happy being women if only for a day.  I wish you well Franchesca (and the others here) and hope you are able to enjoy expressing the feminine side of you.  Lots of empathy and well wishes,  Debbie Bardot

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Active Member     Highland Village, Texas, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Thank you, baby gurl. I use it to speak to, I'm, myself, while I watching videos. Again, if that's to sexual let me know, and I'll take it down. Been looking for a forum like this for nearly 20 years. But other than getting dressed up, completely, I "play" while watching hetero porn but ignoring the man, simply fantasizing I'm the woman. I don't know what's wrong with me. I hate it afterwards, but during? It's heaven.

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Active Member     Highland Village, Texas, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Very heartfelt words. Thank you so much. I mean that.

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