Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
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Hello everyone!
I think it's about time I introduce myself properly. My CDing history is, I now realise, fairly normal and average. I started wearing feminine clothes as a teenager and continued intermittently into my 20s. My occasionalcrossdressing adventures were private affairs which were followed by feelings of guilt and self loathing. In my 20s I managed to repress these feelings.
However I have never been comfortable with masculinity and although I have some wonderful male friends I'm generally happier in the company of women. I dread being in a social situation where I have to make smalltalk or banter with other men.
I'm not quite sure why my need to cross dress has recently reawaken. Perhaps it's the result of transgender issues becoming politicised in recent years? Whatever the reason I found myself here with all of you. Reading all these forum posts has been both enjoyable and useful for my self understanding. A truel sense of community. I admire so many of you. There's also some envy - I'm very much closeted and as an introvert in my later 60s now can't see myself going public.
However I now underdressed daily with knickers. Experimenting with different styles. To my surprise I feel really good in a thong! I wear women's jeans virtually every day too. I'm 6'2" with a long leg but managed to find a pair in TKMaxx and another in a charity shop. I find them so comfortable. I've also bought a couple of tops I hope to get away with. Oh and also some bum boosting shorts from m&s and bra plus inserts from primark.
I would so love getting a boots make up session or a complete makeover with bwbg one day but I'm not sure when or if the opportunity might arise. I certainly don't have the courage to come out to anyone at the moment.
Anyway,that's enough for now.
Love you all
Welcome to CDH.
Gabrielle -
Welcome to CDH
Welcome Gabrielle and welcome to normality!
It is one of life mystery's as to why a lot of girls really embrace crossdressing late in life but, as you say, it is perfectly normal.
I hope you will enjoy your time here and become an active girl. As for your aspirations - go for them and get where you want to be.
Welcome to the most finest community to be part of Gabrielle welcome to CDH nice to meet you
Hi Gabrielle so nice to meet you as you have been here for a bit we hope you have been looking around and understanding how this wonderful place works .. Always know you are a sister and family member here with so many girlfriends you can chat forever have fun sister and dont be a stranger we love to chat ..
Stephanie Bass
Thank you everyone for the welcome
Hi Gabrielle,
Welcome to CDH.
Welcome to CDH!
I think you will find the community helpful, encouraging and supportive.
Again, welcome to CDH!
Hi Gabrielle
Welcome to CDH , I'm so glad to see your Here Now Gabrielle
Enjoy your self
Hi Gabrielle.
Welcome to CDH from another London / UK based girl.
Hope you enjoy being part of the CDH community.
Hi Gabrielle, welcome to CDH 🙂