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Alexandra, 70 years young and HRT to MTF

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Posts: 14
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Eminent Member     Helsingborg, Skane, Sweden
Joined: 10 months ago

Hello sweet people

I am Alex, 70 years young and full steam at HRT, MtF. Bit late you might think but nevertheless, timing is king and we are talking, right now is monarchy (please, not malarchy). Love chatting, love dancing ballet, motorbikes and generally making friends. My trip includes some facial feminization, because god decided to make my face very M, still, that part is not yet finished. Also, planning some bottom stuff, all in good time. My good side is that I am discreet, a very good college teacher and just love a chat. Also vegetarian, btw.

Take good care, Alex

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Reputable Member     Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Posts: 330

@alexandravinda Best wishes on your journey.

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    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
Posts: 1461

@alexandravinda Hi Alex and welcome to CDH 🙂  This is a very warm and supportive sisterhood of girls from all over the world, everyone from first-time cross-dressers to those living 24/7 en femme and in transition are represented in our membership.  So you're in exactly the right place to chat about whatever you like, you can feel free to discuss even your deepest innermost thoughts and feelings.  Please do dive right in and post threads and replies or pop into the Chat room.  There's also a huge volume of information on the site, although in your situation you're probably already well-versed in much of it.  Looking forward to getting to know you better in chats and posts and as you fill out the rest of your profile.

Fiona xxx

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Eminent Member     Helsingborg, Skane, Sweden
Posts: 14

@finallyfiona Dearest Fiona, thank you warmly for your kind words, I feel very welcome already. I am looking forward to getting more versed in the ways of CH and getting to chat with you lovely, daring girls.

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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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Hi Alex

Welcome to CDH 🙂

You'll find that the girls here are very warm and supportive. If you like a good chat then you've come to the right place; it's a great place to make friends.

There's lots to explore here. Have fun poking around, and if you get stuck with anything then just shout. There will always be someone on hand to help.

Ellie x

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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
Posts: 2210


Hi, Alexandra, welcome to the family. As Fiona mentioned, we are a diverse bunch in terms of where we are in our journeys and intentions but we share a love of expressing our feminine sides.

This is a really friendly and supportive community of like minded sisters. I joined a few months ago and it's made such a difference to my life being able to share my crossdressing with others who understand.

I think you'll love it here.


Joined: 10 months ago

Eminent Member     Helsingborg, Skane, Sweden
Posts: 14

@alexina Goodmorning Allie (well, goodmorning here in southern Sweden, sunny since 4 am). Just a line to thank you for your encouraging words and wishes for a truly memorable day. Details count sooooo much.

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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
Posts: 1497


Hi Alexandra, welcome to CDH.

It's never too late to achieve your heart's desire. And you're in good company here on this wonderful site,  with lots of ladies of "a certain age" with whom to share your experiences. We love to chat, too, so please don't hesitate to join in anytime! If there's anything you're unsure about, please ask. We're happy to help. 


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Noble Member     Delaware, United States of America
Posts: 1209

@alexandravinda Welcome Alexandra and thanks for joining us!  Congratulations on taking such an active approach to your journey.  I agree with you completely about time being king....we've lived too much of our lives unauthentically to let even single days slip by.

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Eminent Member     Helsingborg, Skane, Sweden
Posts: 14

@lauren114 Dear Lauren, thank you warmly for your words, they warm the sun. I have never questioned so many things in my life, in my priorities and in my feelings, as now. It is so hard, and so beautifully lovely, forgiving and exhilarating. Actually, I know that this process is in great part due to my current studies in pedagogy and developmental psychology, questions are raised at every turn of the road. Again, thank you and may your day be far beyond expectations.

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 4018

Welcome to CDH, Alexandra!

Posted by: @alexandravinda

Love chatting, love dancing ballet, motorbikes...

So long as you don't dance ballet while riding your motorcycle and chatting on your phone, you're good!


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Eminent Member     Helsingborg, Skane, Sweden
Posts: 14

@harriette You do plant some ideas, don't you then !

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New Member     Spring, Texas, United States of America
Posts: 1

@alexandravinda , very nice. I am only 1 year younger.


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Eminent Member     Renton, Washington, United States of America
Posts: 11

@alexandravinda Welcome Sweet Alex,  Bless you on your journey.  I am 60 and just made an appointment to start HRT or as they call it GAHT (Gender Affirming Hormone Therapy) today.  I think that all of my life has become the ingredients that make today!  I have found Love, OMG lots of love from this giant gaggle of girls, that many are just like me.

I have always had a fear of dying alone.  That is nothing compared to living alone!  This isolation began to end with my first CDH encounter.  This is what I have found and likely so will you.

Blessings and Hugs, Bambi

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Eminent Member     Helsingborg, Skane, Sweden
Posts: 14

@bambiwest2020 Dear Bambi, thank you for your exuberant message, and, fear of dying forgotten is probably something most of us girls have, I certainly do. Still figuring out the integration issue and the shame of not being what parents expected. Scared of dying without figuring this out, what a drag that is (pun intended). Actually, since you are fresh on HRT and I have just restarted after my source dried out, I wonder of your experience: During my initial start, after a week, my thoughts started changing into more emotional such, and my dreams started playing havoc with me, not mentioning cold sweating. My interest in sex was almost gone after a month and a half (the lord be blessed, it was too much in any case) but my wish to be emotionally and physically in close contact with people increased in bounds. After about 4 months things levelled out, a bit, and the feeling of "Oooops, something is happening with my breasts" came for a visit. Would love your feed back on your experiences, especially the psychological path. Take good care, love yourself endlessly, Alex

Posts: 328
Honorable Member     Not in New Orleans, Louisiana, United States of America
Joined: 3 years ago

Hi Alexandra and welcome!


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Baroness Annual
Famed Member     New York, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

Welcome to CDH Alex!

Posts: 585
    los angeles, California, United States of America
Joined: 7 years ago

Hi Alexandra ............... young girls like you are so sweet ...................welcome to CDH ............I'm older girl, but feel like 24 to chat too ...............karley Smile  

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Eminent Member     Helsingborg, Skane, Sweden
Posts: 14

@delaware Dear Karly, goodmorning, well, over here in south Sweden the sun was blinking over the treetops at 4 am, five hours ago. Just a line to another mature (God bless) girl, to wish a wondrous day ahead.

Joined: 7 years ago

    los angeles, California, United States of America
Posts: 585

@alexandravinda    Hi  Alexandra ...............oh.....the sight must be heavenly!!!  Here in Los Angeles, California........United States of America's an urban landscape of concrete and steel ................not a good Picture Post Card view remember Post Cards, right?  (giggles..........!!!).  Have a wondrous day..............!!!!  karley  

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Illustrious Member     Montana, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

Hi Alexandra nice to meet you and happy you found and joined us girls here so get settled in relax and enjoy yourself here ..  As a new sister and family member you are welcomed with open arms into our home as well as yours now also.. Girl there is a wealth of knowledge and experience here to learn from so keep looking around and do some reading of the forums and posts from so many ladies here telling there stories about there journeys down the femme road they are on in life.. So when you feel comfortable with us please join in with a story or two about the life and times of Alexandra as she travels down her own girly path in life.. Now girl as for making friends here there are so many ladies from all over the world to build long lasting friendships with and best of all we are just a simple click away from you ..  If and when you feel up to it please return to your profile page and fill in more please as this is how we get to know you better thankyou.. So girlfriend again nice to meet you and hope to see you around for a chat sometime soon..

Stephanie Bass

Posts: 7835
Illustrious Member     Near Burlington, Vermont, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

Hi Alex,

Welcometo CDH.  It’s nice to meet you.  Good luck on your journey.


Posts: 19
Trusted Member     Swansea, West Glamorgan, United Kingdom
Joined: 11 months ago

Hi Alex. Nice to see you here. Lots of lovely girls here you have just found. I wish you well 

Jane D

Posts: 245
(@Anonymous 95235)
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Joined: 12 months ago

HI Alexandra, as the other wonderful respondents have said welcome to a wonderful forum and I really admire your road ahead , I will be 70 in a couple of years and often wondered about MTF , I would love to hear of your progress if you be willing to share,  for now just rock baby xx

Posts: 14
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Eminent Member     Helsingborg, Skane, Sweden
Joined: 10 months ago

Hello Samantha, I will be glad to update as the water continues flowing, who is to stop the natural stride? Good question. And rock, yeah, bike warming up and the guitars are twangin' Pride Heart  

Posts: 2075
Famed Member     Shrewsbury, Shropshire, United Kingdom
Joined: 3 years ago

Hi Alexandra ,

Welcome to CDH it's nice to meet you,

I'm a mature crossdresser too I've been dressing most of my life since i was about 8 or 9 years old when i tried my older sister's lingerie on, I'm still in the closet to my family, I'm not sure that i will transition though, I think I'm a bit too old, 

I'm sorry i can't meet up with you for a coffee ☕ I'm in the UK, I'm sure there are lots of girls near to where you live who will be happy to meet up with you for a coffee and a chat I'm sure you will find lots of friends on here so if you have any questions just ask and the girls will get back to you X 

Hugs Rozalyn X Pride Heart  


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