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Hi! I'm new to "exposing" my other side in a public fashion so please bear with me! I am a married man to a very understanding and supportive wife. We have pushed thru boundaries with success and for that I am very blessed. My wife sees cross dressing in different levels. I have a nice large selection of all types of lingerie and my selection of tops is ever growing. Dressing all the way is my next adventure I am on. I have no idea how to apply make up, what type of wig would look good etc. I am pretty confident that my body shape and facial type will greatly benefit me in this.
I am a business owner in the Atlanta area. I go into work very early and have at least 3 to 4 hours of private time to explore myself. This would be a good time to practice make up, dressing fully etc.
Thanks for taking a moment to read this about me. I have so much more to share in the future.
Welcome Steph. It is great that your wife is so supportive. You will enjoy being a part of CDH, a very safe and supportive place.
Steph, isn’t it wonderful when you have support from someone so close to ones heart . Having your wife’s acceptance certainly makes this journey most fulfilling. I too enjoy this but with full agreement as she needs to be a important part in these decisions. Liberty’s are a blessing and never taken for granted . You now have many here too to enjoy expressing yourself with total acceptance and a confinance to explore more. With us here and many well written articles and posting of others will help in bettering your applications of makeup, dressing ,wig styles and so much more. Everything here to transform that lady your feel inside. It takes practice, practice, practice and a confidence to explore more. Very nice meeting and yes we will be looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Stephanie 🌹
Welcome Steph !
Great intro. Some intros are so short and vague because the poster is afraid of the public posting you mention. From yours I do get a sense of who your are and the fact that you look to share more with us in the future is wonderful. Sharing is what CDH is about. Sharing support, advice, tips, frierndships.....
To get started I suggest getting to know your way around the site. Read some forums, articles, profiles. Send friend requests to people who seem to fit well with you. Post and comment so we get to know you better.
Welcome Steph!