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Hi Everyone,
I'm Emma, sometimes just eM, and a returning member from a while back. My old profile and cdh name is no more and I'll leave it that way.
I'm not as nervous as the first time I turned up, I'm pleased to say.
I've provided a basic summary in my profile of who I am and where I'm at, which I'll try to improve on. I'm pretty old - retired and then some - but certainly not the most experienced or knowledgeable, which is one reason I'm back. But I also don't mind passing an opinion or sharing a memory now and again.
So here's looking forward to re-joining and both learning from and contributing to the community and getting to meet like minded people. I'm up and dressed for an early morning 'potter' around the house and the sun is shining. A nice way to start the weekend. I hope you have a good one too.
Welcome back Emma from another old timer, I'm retired too I'm a UK girl too I'm in Shropshire, also this is my second time on here i left for awhile but the pink mist was too strong to resist, looking forward to chatting with you catch up with you soon X
Hugs Rozalyn X 🤗
Hi Emma,
Welcome back! I returned after life pulled me away. Hope to see you around the site!
Hi Emma nice to meet you and so happy you came home well girl maybe a little has changed since being here last time so sit back relax and enjoy yourself here. .You know you are still a sister and family member here because we always leave the porch light on for you to find your way home and see it works pretty well.. You may have left some girlfriends here so rekindle there friendships and start some new ones have fun girlfriend ..
Stephanie Bass
Hi Emma,
Welcome back to CDH.
Welcome back Emma 🙂 I'm going to have to start getting up early too, as in, when I actually wake up. My morning pottering routine is now going to include a full face of makeup before work starts!
Thanks Fiona. It's nice to be back. Yes, a change of routine might be called for. It sounds like you might enjoy it 😉
Hi Emma!
Welcome back to CDH!
I think you will find the community is still as helpful, encouraging and supportive as it has always been.
Again, welcome back to CDH!
- Pleased to meet you Catherine ! Thanks for your welcome. CDh seems to be as friendly as it ever was.