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hi Ladies - back again after another long break from "Amy" - so hard because I know I can't ever share this part of myself with my wife - but Amy never seems to go away forever & seems to come back stronger every time - wish I could integrate my desire to feel feminine into my life in a way that wasn't so intense and didn't require so much secrecy - glad to have the support and sense of community I find here though!
Hi Amy,
Welcome back. I think a lot of us can understand what you are saying, I have purged many times and as I get older the need gets stronger. You are right the support and sense of community is strong here. I am in the UK but I have friends from all over the world and it is lovely to be in touch with them all.
Jessica x.
Welcome back Amy! I’m sure most of us have felt the same way at one time or another. I’ve found that I can suppress my femme side, but I can’t make it go away completely. When Emily does return, she is stronger and a more assertive part of life.
Welcome back Amy! I can certainly relate to what you are feeling. We can always look forward to those times we can enjoy our feminine side.
Weocome back Amy.You did the right thing in returning to the CDH fold.
Amy welcome back. These feelings are always there and even though we hid them, purg all thoughts they seamed to bubble back again. For me as I get older the feelings are stronger and so is my feminine desires. Happy to see you and enjoy being back with many of your old friends and start making new ones. Always here to help and support all that passes. Very nice meeting you.
Stephanie 🌹
Welcome back Amy!