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I was here a long time ago under a totally different name. For personal reasons I won’t discuss that previous name. But some events in recent months have made me realize I need a support group. So I’m back!
I’m back because my wife found a bra of mine. Her exact question was “Is there another woman or is it yours?” When I admitted it was mine her reply was “It would have been easier to deal with if it was another woman.” So she is less than supportive.
I have been realizing intensely how strongly I have known I should have been female. I doubt it will be surprising that I believe this greatly contributed to a Major Depression with Suicide Ideation diagnosis more than 30 years ago. Obviously there were other issues going on but this is certainly a major reason.
So, here I am. I am well into the “senior citizen” demographic and have possibly grown some “wisdom” associated with my age. I know I want to be able to chat with my lady friends again.
Thanks Serena. Means a lot!
Hi Jeannie,
Welcome back to CDH.
Hi Jeannie, just wanted to say hi and I like you are well into my Senior years and very close to my Octo years. I live in Greenville, South Carolina all by myself. If you need or want a friend in your age group send me a friends request. Kathleen
Hi Jeannie, as one senior to another, don’t ever leave CDH again!😉 It will help you settle in where you are in life and become ok with who you are in life! My story is similar to yours with those same emotions.
CDH has given me an outlet to express myself and now those emotions are not bottled inside!
Welcome back!
Welcome back, it is certainly difficult to not have a supportive spouse. Guess you have, do you want to accept her not accepting "all of you"
Hi Jeannie, it must be devastating hearing that sentence. Even if crossdressing is wrong (and it's not), somehow it's perceived as worse than stealing or gambling. I hope all the best for you.
Hi Jeannie
whilst it must have been uncomfortable for you both at least now it’s out in the open and you can move forward. I was very lucky when I was in my first real relationship to be able to come out to my girlfriend. She was very understanding and it meant that I have always told my partners about Susan before we got in too deep. That doesn’t mean it has always been easy, I have lost a number of beautiful relationships, but I preferred that to having to hide. I hope therefore that this is a new and happier beginning for you
Hi Jeannie nice to meet you and happy you came home as like all girls that leave and come home you are welcomed back with open arms so get settled back in as many things may have changed since you left and returned so do some looking around .. You know girl there's lots to do like rekindle old friendships and having fun starting many new ones .. We always leave the porch light on so you can find your way home and see it really works he he ..
Stephanie Bass
That sounds wonderful!