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Hello everyone, my name is Allison. I'm a transgender woman in her early forties. I'm here to better understand and share like journeys through life. Finding a few friends wouldn't hurt either. I have not transitioned yet but still feel more woman than man. Its something I have always felt for a long time. I'm more of a tomboy than I'd like to admit, but still loves her makeup and dresses. That's me in a nut shell thanks💋🦈sorry but its 🦈 week!! Oh and I'm a nerd about somethings.
Hello and welcome Allison,
It is so nice to have you here. Please jump in and don’t be shy. There are a lot of ladies with plenty of knowledge and experiences which may coincide with yours. Ask questions and give your opinions because you are accepted and very welcome here. I do hope to chat with you so Ta Ta For Now💋.
Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! What are you a nerd about?
Hi Allison and Welcome.
Allison welcome and it's wonderful to have you with us . With many here the help that is shared is remarkable and chatting with theses ladies I personally found helped me better understand much of was going on and hearing many of their stories were so informable. Meeting with and making friends is so wonderful as it gives a feeling that there are same mined souls here that do understand and are here to be caring and supportive . Happy to meet you and please enjoy your stay .🌹
Thank you so much to you all for taking the time to read and reply. For the first time I feel more at home with and able to open up than ever before. Being accepted for who i am and not what I have to pretend to be. Best wishes to you all and thank you again💗
Hi Allison,
Welcome and enjoy shark week 🙂
Definitely love nerds !! 🙂 welcome to CDH hope you enjoy this place as much as I do!
Hi my name is heathre
I new at this but I want to be a female and go out in public I am nervous about it I lookin for a make up artist in new jersey to help me with make up and eyelashes can any body help me thanks heathre
Hello to you csn you be my freind now