Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
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Started my cd journey at about 12 yrs old, but wasn't able to pursue properly. Fast forward 20 odd years and another short opportunity arose. From then the feelings of wearing female clothes took hold. Still haven't told family & friends, due to religion and where we live. Wife is supportive, and helps. I still need to get the courage to go past the front gate as Jordan.
Jordan , you're certainly on your way, start building that courage and soon pass through those Gates and discover that new world ahead. We are blessed in having many wonderful ladies here always willing to help in every way. From their advice and tips to better understand more of who you are and support that is second to none. With acceptance for all that passes I know you'll be happy to be part of a community that really cares for all. It's wonderful that you have your wife's support as it makes one journey so much fulfilling. The best to you both and it's very nice meeting you. Welcome. ..
Stephanie 🌹
Thanks for that Stephanie, i look forward to the day Jordan really reveals herself to everyone. And i luv this site.
Welcome Jordan!
Hi Michelle,
Glad to have found somewhere i can be me, just wait till the world meets me.
Welcome to the friendly forum Jordan,
hi Jordan. welcome to our friendly and supportive site. I am sure you will make many friends as indeed I have, despite being relatively new. I am pleased you have a supportive wife, it really goes a long way, I too have told my wife but she is kinda 'semi supportive' if I was to be truthful. like yourself, I have not ventured outdoors either! despite crossdressing for over 30yrs. nice to see you are also from the uk!
love fiona (northwest England) xxx
Thanks everyone, for making me feel so welcome. I`m not sure how to do that to each of you seperately yet, but will learn how to.
Luv always
Hi Jordan,
I'm sure you'll find plenty of support here. And there are quite a few of us UK girls. Getting out of the house can seem daunting, but it can be done. So glad to hear you have a supportive wife: cherish her!
Hello and welcome Jordan.We look forward to you growing with the rest of us girls. Enjoy all of it. A supportive SO is certainly a blessing, and can be alot of fun.
Hi Jordan and welcome! Finding that courage can feel like a Herculean task. It is something that I am still working on myself but thanks to being a member of such an amazing community, along with having a supportive wife, it has become a goal that I believe will happen. So take heart, I believer it can happen for you as well! Hugs, Michelle
Hi Jordon and welcome the girls will help you out as much as possible. I'm another SO if your wife would like to join us she is more than welcome we have our own private group and forum . Hugs