Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
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Hey everyone, I'm Brittney, I live in SoCal, and I have just found this site! I've been crossdressing for a couple of years now (privately) and have now started to explore new communities. I am quite apprehensive, as absolutely no one knows me as myself (Brittney). I'd love to make some new friends with all of you!
Brittney is so nice to meet and welcome. I too have been enjoying this going on 2 years now. Finding this wonderful place really did help me with my understanding of our love to dress and the advice and most of all all the support I received was amazing. Talking to our girls, their tips and techniques on everything from dressing to mannerisms , to expressing ourselves to be that lady that's found inside. Be alone no more meet with and develop lasting friendships along the way. Nice meeting you and have a wonderful time with us. Stephanie 🌹
thanks steph! I appreciate the welcome!
Hello and welcome Brittney,
There are amazing ladies here to help with questions, concerns, or just to chat with. Quite a bit of knowledge and experience is here also. There are some ladies from the SoCal region so I think you will meet them here for a chat eventually so do put yourself out in the forums, join a group or two, and just enjoy the friendship of others like you. We have all walked this road to one extent or another and helping is what we do for each other. Have fun and be safe!TTFN💋👠
Hi Brittany
Welcome to CDH. Everyone is very friendly and supportive. I hope you enjoy your stay with us.
<p style="text-align: center;">Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven Brittany ! Thanks for joining ! XO Jennifer</p>
Hey girl,
i just moved from Culver City to sandiego to come out in the gay friendly Hillcrest area. I'm enjoying the freedom and my femme side is really taking over. I am loving it. Feeling more confident every day.
just joined this site to maybe connect with like minded girls. Hope to hear from you.