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As the title says my girlfriend recently discovered my cross dressing secret which has been extremely embarrassing and left me feeling shameful for all of the lies to keep it secret.
I realise that this has been very hard for my girlfriend and while she has needed time to come to terms with my cross dressing I am very thankful for how supportive she has been.
For as long as I can remember I have been fascinated with feminine clothing but have never had the opportunity to fully explore my fantasies and have never fully cross dressed. This is partly due to circumstances but also feeling that I would not make a very attractive woman when fully dressed.
Hopefully I can now start to explore a little more with my girlfriends support as long as she is willing and not too overwhelmed and hopefully I can get some support and confidence from other members.
Hi S S Welcome to CDH family of sisters . most of us here have been thru similar feelings , hope your GG stays supportive and you get to enjoy your new lifestyle to the fullest Rhonda xoxxo
Welcome Stephanie,
We are glad you are here. I think you will find lots of support and information here for you and your girlfriend. I wish you both the best in your journey.
Groups Manager
Welcome Stephanie. Get your girlfriend on this site immediately. Lots of other SOs on here for her to connect with. It will help her deal with it and get more of an understanding of you . And of course for you. Best of luck to both of you. Mikayla
Oh Stephanie..........I feel for you girl......BUT....your girlfriend appears to be a good soul and at least willing to listen to you. That is very good news....take it slowly and let her read the articles on both our sites but don't pressure her. I am certain that if she loves you.....certain agreements can come forth.
Best of Luck honey.
Dame Veronica
Hi Stephanie. I am so glad that your girlfriend is supportive of your crossdressing.My wife fully accepts my crossdressing now after many years of struggling with it.Now,she buys me all my clothes.As we are both retired she lets me dress up as a woman nearly every day.I am fifty eight and dress in clothes suitable for a woman of my age.I don't know what age group you are in but I would suggest that you wear clothes that arr approoriate for your age group.My wife and I have similar tastes in clothes.We love skkrts,dresses and nice pantyhose and tights.Although I have been dressing since I was twelve,I still value my wife's advice on choosing my outfit for the day.Embrace your female side and bave fun with it.If you need any advice,please message me.I will be happy to belp.Roberta xx
Hi Stephanie, welcome to a great community. Great to know that she is supportive to you. And glad to that you realize that she needs time. It can feel like an eternity waiting but the results can be amazing. Just keep on talking with each other. There are great articles and amazing ladies here to help. Hugs -Michelle
Stephanie happy to welcome you here at Cdh . So your secret is out certainly as emotional time. And you felt the embarrassed, understandable but happy that she is accepting you even cautious but still a big problem set aside and now open to explore what's ahead. The course that I followed is talk and lots of it . discussing how each other feels about this. Being fully open in what's going on with you . Letting her spill her thoughts and opinions paying attention to every detail and concerns . She needs to feel as she's is the lead controller in theses talks . Setting guidelines and conditions are most important and feeling of being included in all decisions. Importantly only share what information is needed and no more. Sometimes overstating a point could cause more harm than good. Always respect her words and in time things should show promise as you move forward . It's a beautiful thing having support so close to ones self and to enjoy a special relationship between the two of you. Enjoy now a place with many to meet, talk to and make friends with. A caring place , a place to enjoy our love to dress. Very nice meeting and bye the way love your name lol!! Stephanie 🌹
You are a very lucky girl as she supports you.
My fantasy is , my wife knows, supports, encourage me for crossdressing . I wish one day she will transform me into bride. Oh my god..... I am very excited with just a thought, what would happen to me if actually I walk in bridal gown.......
I know, this won't happen. That's why it's called fantasy
So enjoy being feminine here on CDH and protect yourself against agony of not a born women
Enjoy...... Ladies
Good Evening All
Just wanted to say a big thank you for all of the replies and helpful suggestions.
It was my girlfriend that directed me to this site as she had already been here and received a lot of advice from the community (Her name on the site is Sarah456). I am not sure what would have happened if she had not come across Crossdresser Heaven and am very thankful that she did and can already see why see recommended it to me.
My girlfriend has only known for about three weeks and tonight I am sat at home in a jumper dress, pair of faux leather trousers and ankle boots, we had a little shopping experience online and she helped pick out some items that while being feminine were not a million miles away from normal clothing. This was a big step for both of us and my stomach feels likes it is in knots but at the same time I am so happy in the knowledge that I can share this part of myself with her.
So once again a big thank you to the community of Crossdresser Heaven.
This was a big step for both of us and I am so proud of you! It was not scary at all for me but I know you were nervous, you had much the bigger job to do. I hope now that this first hurdle is out of the way that you can feel easier about being dressed when I’m there. Involvement has been important for me and thank you for considering my feelings xxx Users here know that I struggled with the initial discovery, as all SOs do. I still think a pendant with that knitted dress would look lovely. Now I have LOADS of ideas for Christmas and birthday presents hehe.
Does anyone have any ideas for other first outfits that we could try?
Hi Stephanie
welcome to CDH.
It was such a comfort to me when I joined to discover there were many others out there with the same wonderful obsession. Friends to share our fears, hopes, experiences, as well as advice and pointers on how to look our feminine best. I remember how good it felt to get lovely comments the first time I posted a photo on this site, finally friends to share something I had kept hidden for fear of ridicule from ignorant intolerant people. I also realised when reading others experiences that a lot of the barriers stopping us exploring this side of ourselves are in our heads, and when we overcome them we have a lot more freedom to just have fun with all things feminine. Soooo much to learn, and soooo much fun, something you can explore as much or little as you like. Just a word of warning, you may need a bigger wardrobe 😂😂😂
There is just an endless variety of fab clothes, shoes, accessories, etc, etc as well as the make up, that is an art form in itself. You are so lucky to have a supportive partner to share this with, and to learn from.
Hi Stephanie,
Glad that you have found CDH. It is so full of good supportive people.
Best Wishes,
-Terri Anne
Hi Stephanie and Sarah!
Welcome to the best community of ladies I have ever known. You have found support, acceptance and of course love here Sarah and you brought your girlfriend aka husband too. Bravo! I am so happy for you both. The future is what you make of it and now you have a closer relationship to go forward with. I am a lucky girl as my wife has accepted me for who I am and supports me too. Life has become a much better place for us. Knowing that she is with me as I walk a path others have walked from CDing forward in discovery of my female self is truly amazing and loving. Bless you both and always remember to never go to bed angry! TTFN💋👠