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I'm 22 years old crossdresser
Most of the people in here are middle aged or older than that may be they are young at heart but i'm referring to the chronological age here.
Is there any particular reason for that or is crossdressing becoming less common with new generations?
I would like more to talk with people same age as mine . So no offense to anyone out there it's just i'm curious and like to meet more people of same age as me
No offense taken. I Oh so envy you. Having so much ahead to look forward to. Keep looking through our site and you will find younger gals to talk , to relate with and share your experience's with. As many of us here are older "yes" many including myself have always had these feelings even as early as our teens but because of society hostility's we just couldn't express ourselves as freely as people can do now. Look into our groups, there you'll find the 20's group and many like yourself. So much ahead of you , embrace all with open arms as many like me who are only now being able to experience theses amazing times. Very happy to meet you and look forward to seeing you around here soon.
<p style="text-align: left;">Hi...Stephanie,</p>
You're right , there are many young girls (cd) over here and all over the world . The thing is we don't come out easily as we're afraid of people and community around us. Even i am. So hope that we can do our best to fulfill our dream. Best wishes. (By the way I'm 23)
Hi Dam !
Welcome to CDH ! I'm 53 so that's like being 22 with 31 years of experience. There are some younger ladies here as my friend Shreya (23, which is like being 22 a second time <wink>) pointed out. I feel the age is mostly irrelevant. If you need to learn to apply eyeliner what difference does it make if you get tips from an older or younger person ? Perhaps you are afraid we won't understand your "new fangled hip references". Most of us can "use the Google" to translate your contemporary vernacular. I'm sorry for having a bit of fun at your expense, I hope you don't mind. The truth is I don't feel 53 when I put on panties and a bralettte. If you are concerned about the age differences because you are looking to date, this isn't a dating site. It is possible to meet people from this site for romantic purposes but that isn't the purpose of the site. The site is for acceptance for everyone on the TG/CD spectrum to have a safe place to find support advice and tips. Luckily most of us get the extra benefit of making some truly wonderful friendships. CDH is a wonderful place and I would like to suggest that you to give it a try for a while.
Hi...Autumn ,
I'd like to say that age didn't matter, if all the young girls would be here we were unable to handle these forum as you all ladies beautifully handle the situation and support the new comer her here to improve day by day as I've improved and i must say you've helped me a lot through the process .
Welcome Dam!
Welcome Dam
When I was young I was very confuse and struggling with my need to cross-dress and thus keep it hidden. As I grew older and excepted my need to cross-dress, I became more open with it. I believe that is the reason why you see more older crossdressers then younger ones.
Hi Dam,
For many of us who are older, crossdressing was very much seen as taboo, therefore we have to stay underground with it. I've actually found the younger generations much more accepting and open to the lifestyle.
I feel like you get people have more ways to channel this need into something more accepted in our time. I’m 32 and you may notice there aren’t a lot of girls here my age either. There are new umbrellas to fall under nowadays and were I not married I may be under a different one myself.
I began dressing fully fem at 18 and went to a lot of parties as Patty. Much of my dressing was fetish based to get a sexual rush and thrill. Dressing as an older person, I still enjoy the thrill but I enjoy wearing pantyhose, heels and a short dress as a preferred and natural feeling choice of clothing.
I think many other young dressers are hormone driven and looking for that thrill. They may look online for sites that cater to that. CDH is not like that. Young dressers may not stay long and look for something more suitable for what they are after.
You're welcome
I'm 29 and noticed the same thing and was curious myself, but I was afraid to ask because the last thing I wanted to do was accidentally offend any of the beautiful ladies here. But seeing the responses, I get it. Had I been 29 before this site came around, then I would still be 100% in my little closet (I considered joining this site a step towards the door). Regardless, it's amazing to see the immense diversity, age and otherwise, in this site. It's very encouraging to me.
First let me say I am so jealous!
Great topic, connect and make friends your age and most important-Be You!
I do think there are more older people here and I think as we age you get to the point that you feel free to say what you like and worry less about many things. Personally I believe there are more younger crossdressers/Trans then when I was at a young age. I can't imagine what I might be like today if the information available now would have been there when I was 20.
Beliefs are turning for the better and while there will always be bad people out there embrace and live life to the fullest.
Maybe you should start a group here for like 25 and under!
Go Girl,
Hey! I’m 24 and getting into crossdressing and would love to talk to you please hit me up!