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I am the wife of a 43 year old crossdresser who only in the last year felt comfortable enough to tell anyone what his innermost feelings are. I am so flattered it is me, which brought me here. I have a wall I cannot climb and I am hoping someone may be able to drop me a ladder so I can find my way up. My spouse never tried dresses, or stockings or heels until this year at my encouragement. Built very masculine and very boxy, and has a hard time with tender side of things I was surprised when he told me he has always wanted to wear a skirt and from there he confided in me everything. He has had a stroke so he does not have the ability to control his hands for makeup. Because he is partially colorblind, matching things can be a problem, we have a 5 year old that sometimes has to help. I want him to embrace this part of himself as I did the moment he told me. I know makeup can be different and with his skin may need to be a little more to hide and bring out features at the same time. I have never had to use a lot, so needing to make eyes open up, cheekbones to soften, and contouring is beyond me, any suggestions on where to go? Would it be better to practice on myself and then him? He likes to wear the tighter/more revealing side of things which he has the legs for, but the upper portion is boxy and straight, and broad shouldered, any suggestions on books, websites to see? For our 5 year anniversary I want to give him the look he wants, the one he deserves and for reasons out of his control I definitely need to learn what he is limited on so I can help. I just want to give something to a beautiful person and help them embrace who they are.
Lee that’s a very touching story and I love reading it go on you writing it
Hi hun nice to meet you.
I am a SO as well we have our own group and forum please join.
The girls on here are very friendly and will give you as much advice as they can. Hugs
Hello Lee, wish more SO's would share your state of mind...
Thanks, and a warm hug,
There are transformation services - business that specialize in doing makeup and dressing for crossdressers with privacy. They often also do photographs to help keep the memories. Depending on where you live, there should be some close by. With both of you willing to learn, it could be a wonderful experience. I know makeup and a good wig transformed me in a way I thought only magic could have done.
Thank you for being such a wonderful wife!
Hugs, Ellen
O M G what a beautiful gesture on your part. I hope he appreciates all that you are. Ellen the pretty one makes a good suggestion. Hope to see the outcome. Live with love 💋
Lee, thank you so much for sharing such a wonderful story. Your husband is a very lucky girls to have someone like. So understanding and accepting, a support not found often. To keep such a secret certainly is hard but to do the inevitable and opened up is a very emotional task. As l told my wife after many years of marriage at first was confused and angry not for the feelings of dressing as a woman but by not revealing this much earlier. But after talks and agreements my love to be Stephanie was born. She too was so happy and grateful for disclosing this to her as in little ways as our trust was rattle but slowly we or should i say me am making progress to slowly return that trust . Here there's help for you and your so as we have a wonderful group here just for you called (wives and significant others )that I hope you look into. GG girls learning from one another and answering the questions you my need to ask and answers from lady's like yourself. You need to upgrade to duchess to receive this and joined. Its certainly worth it. The best to you both and enjoy the help only we can offer.
Stephanie 🌹
Welcome to CDH!
I am an SO as well. Feel free to reach out to me anytime.
<p style="text-align: left;">Sephora is a great place to go for makeup for crossdressers, they are very understanding and willing to help.</p>