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New Member     Missouri, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Hi everyone,

I am so happy to have found this site.  I have been attracted to women's clothing for as long a I can remember.  One of my earliest memories is playing with dress up and having feel natural as can be.  Now I'm 59 and have gone through the binge and purge cycle a number of times.  I've been married for a long time and finally came out to my wife, a counselor, and an old friend about my desire to present as a woman and to transition, even though I know that it will never happen.  My wife is supporting on a very limited basis and I understand, although it doesn't mean it's any easier. I'm expanding my wardrobe, secretly, and every time I pass a  nail salon I want to pull in and have a pedicure done by a professional.  Lately I've also been tempted to have my ears pierced. It's kind of like the desire is becoming stronger and stronger, there are days when it occupies most of my idle thoughts. I have finally started to be truly honest with myself about who I really am and I don't know if that's better or worse because of the frustration that quickly follows.

But, I work in a profession that would not be very kind to me if I were to go completely public.  That's enough for now. I look forward to making some new friends and talking with the girls.

Love Nicolle

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Thank you, Nicolle, for your candid and recognizable testimony. I'm of your age and more or less same situation. I can only sympathize and invite you to a friendly talk.



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Welcome Nicolle.

Lisa 🙂

Posts: 1351
Noble Member     Northampton, Massachusetts, United States of America
Joined: 7 years ago

Hi Nicolle! Welcome to CDH!  And thank you for your introduction!  Please take a look around the place, via the articles, forum posts, etc.  And stop in the public chat and say "hi"  whenever you would like.  Hugs, Michelle

Posts: 7139
Illustrious Member     Peterborough , Ontario, Canada
Joined: 8 years ago

Nicolle welcome . I too started my love for dressing at the age of 59 . I never dressed till then but always dreamed of it even as far back as my teens but life was too complicating. Opening up to my wife after many years of marriage,  this was quite traumatic also and she is supportive but cautiously.  Much like yourself were exploring who we are and thankful to have this place to learn from. The help and support will definitely help you as this has  helped me.  Ear piercing well I'm also thinking of it . Started growing my hair and always having idle thoughts of what could I do next. Bring here has help in my confidence and better my understanding to where my paths may lead. Enjoy your stay here and always know your with many like yourself trying to figuring out  our feelings in a  world we have choosen. Talk to us ,were always here and love to be your friend. .

Stephanie 🌹


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