Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
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I can not beleive that i am just finding this forum now after 2 months, but want tonsay hello tto all. For over 45 years i have tried to learn to be the real me well hiding and struggling. Purges, tears and guilt, hopefully a thing of the past. Hoping to live, learn and be. From Canada so say hi or give me a wave.
Thanks to all that have been so kind already.
Welcome Marlee,
Lisa 🙂
Marlee hey, happy that you did and 2 months certainly went fast but so happy that you here and looking forward to hearing from you . EH!!
Stephanie 🌹
Welcome Marlee!
Hi Marlee,
No need to feel silly. I’ve been on the site for over a year and I don’t think I ever sent out a new member message. It sure didn’t prevent me from making some wonderful friends here. Welcome!
Marlee....hi there. No need to feel silly.....CDH was very complicated when I first joined over a year ago. Don't be shy...chat with us girls...we love to assist where necessary and I love to meet and learn all about my new sisters.......till then. PS do check out our Canadian Group section. I am currently living in Elliot Lake, Ontario.
Dame Veronica
hi marlee, if you felt silly, then I felt silly as well for not joining this site sooner! at least you are here now, that's the main thing 🙂 . I hope you enjoy what cdh has to offer. its a great site with lots of lovely members who will help you with any questions to guide you along.
fiona xxx
You were one of the first to make me feel welcome. Thank you for that, so much.
Hi Marlee
I felt silly when I discovered what I was, aged 14.
Once I realised the "dreadful" truth, I found it hard to watch the Monty Python Lumberjack sketch, withou wanting to cry, I can tell you.
Thanks to CDH, that truth is not only no longer dreadful, but one of the most amazing things - I feel blessed to be able to express myself this way, and I hope you will too.
Fiona has nailed it! At one point or another, we all need support and guidance along the way. This is a great place to learn and share experiences. Don't feel silly about being cautious. There are some sketch sites, but you are safe here!
Welcome Home
Dear Dame Veronica,
Thank you thank you for your greeting. So nice to see meet others from Ontario. I am having a few challenges accessing the Canadian group. Is there a membership level i need to attain?
Thanks so much
Hi Marlee, Love your avatar! Welcome to the forums! There are a lot of great threads, glad you found it and I hope you enjoy! Hug, Michelle
Thank you Michelle. Bugs bunny knew how to look amazing en femme so to speak. Loved how he embraced it.