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Female name

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Estimable Member     Walkertown, North Carolina, United States of America
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Honest opinion what type of name do I look like I should go as?

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Prominent Member     Nevada, United States of America
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I originally went with a name very similar to my male name and did not like how close it was so I changed it to April who I thought was the most beautiful girl I went to High School with. It is personal so go with what you feel and don’t be afraid to change it. On a funny note Drag Queens sometimes go with name of the first pet or first female pet and last name was the street they first lived on. So many ways to go. Go with what feels good.

(@Anonymous 95235)
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@aprilcdmf in that case I'm Lady Derby x

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Lol right, I would be Flicka Marchant.

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Estimable Member     El Segundo, California, United States of America
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@aprilcdmf I would be Sugar Newton.

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Prominent Member     Nevada, United States of America
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@davinaes Thats a good name.

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Reputable Member     Lincoln city, Oregon, United States of America
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@alanmann How about Elaine.  Smile

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Estimable Member     Walkertown, North Carolina, United States of America
Posts: 59

@rholtman96 That might actually work. Thank you.

(@Anonymous 95235)
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@alanmann imagine ,as many ladies have on this site, being in Starbucks or wherever your name is called out , a name that when it rings out your heart leaps you sassy on over and declare I'm...(definitely not Spartacus)     something french ? Something traditional ? I like soft names and I suppose Emma isn't far off Alan. But whoever you choose bring her out to be a  wonderful lady and be proud of her x

(@Anonymous 95235)
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@alanmann I did think Emma then I'm not sure Emma Mann would work!  As Melodee and others have said it's hard for others to say just whatever you feel good with, I've got so used to being Samantha now when friends on this site send me a message amd that will all help to getting Samantha out there x

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Um ... I'm going to go with something beginning with B. How about ... off the top of my head ... Britney?

[Obviously I'm a day late responding to this thread, and you've already made your (excellent) choice]

As @melodeescarlet sad though, it's such a personal choice ... you kind of KNOW when it feels right 🙂

This is the bit from my profile about my name:

I've tried out several femme names on myself over the years. Ultimately, when I allowed my inner girl to fully surface all of those disappeared because it became clear from the get go that she wanted to be called 'Ellie'. It wasn't a conscious decision. I didn't sit down with a list of names and select one. Ellie was Ellie and that was that, discussion over. My nan was called Ellen (always called 'Nellie') so on one level it feels like the name has been passed down to me through the generations. Now, in my internal monologues, 'Ellie' is the name I go by entirely.

Recently I found out that 'Ellie' means, variously, 'sympathy', 'compassion' and 'shining light'. I love that!


Ellie x

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Noble Member     New Hampshire, United States of America
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@alanmann The whole CD experience is alot on how it makes you feel. Britney is a great name. Soon as I heard River on Dr Who,  I loved it. and im very outdoorsy so it resounded with me on a personal level.  If it makes you smile when you hear it then its probably a good call. Cheers RC

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@river Our daughter was named after one of Dr Who's companions - Nyssa. She was paired up with Tegan and Aldrich, at that time.

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Estimable Member     El Segundo, California, United States of America
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When I first started entering the online CD community many years ago, I had a name that I thought was "cute" but as I got older and started to change my style to be more professional and age appropriate, I realized that my name wasn't appropriate anymore. When with Davina because it is the female equivalent of my male name, and my wife had a roommate during college by the same name. I think one of the best things we CD'er get to do is create our own names, and then change it if it just doesn't fit. 


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@alanmann Honestly, it's such a personal choice I'm not sure someone else could tell you. Don't worry, many girls will change names, possibly even more than once. 😉

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Estimable Member     Walkertown, North Carolina, United States of America
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@melodeescarlet honestly I went with Elena because it was close to my normal name.

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@alanmann That's not uncommon. You may find that after some time you like something else better - you can change it whenever you like! 🙂

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Posted by: @alanmann

honestly I went with Elena because it was close to my normal name.


As good a reason as any.


I went for Rebecca 'cos I liked it. Others use anagrams of their real names. Think about it this way: Imagine you are in a coffee shop that asks for, and calls out, your name, what name would you be comfortable hearing in public. Possibly not FiFi Trixabel or Glissinda the Troll (from TBBT), no, just a normal name that you would be comfortable with. If Elena does it for you, then use that. Give yourself a middle name, that way you have a choice of two, or three even. Like wigs, you can change your name to suit how you feel on any particular day. I stick with the same name because when I am out en femme with my wife she calls me by my feminine name (just as well really, otherwise it would be a hell of a giveaway).

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Estimable Member     Walkertown, North Carolina, United States of America
Posts: 59

@rebeccabaxter Thank you very much 😊. Talking with guys helps me feel more comfortable when wear the clothes with the lipstick.

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Illustrious Member     Near Burlington, Vermont, United States of America
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Hi Elena,

Welcome to CDH.  You could use Eleanor.


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Noble Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
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Hi Britney!

Welcome to CDH!

I find names to be very personal. I suppose some ladies want a pretty name, or a name that reflects their style of dress.... Any reason you have is good enough as long as you identify with the name in some way.

I can tell you how I came up with Autumn Valiant and I hope it helps you with your selection. I didn't have a femme name until i signed up for CDH. When prompted for a name I was stumped. I used a search engine, putting in prompts like "Girls names that mean <fill in the blank>. I used pretty, sexy, smart, and others. I had come across some that were very nice but nothing that grabbed me. I gave up on the search engine and went to a baby name website and started scrolling down alphabetically when the name Autumn just seemed to jump out at me. It just felt right. I knew I had to pick a last name too since just a first name would get lost on a website of so many. I used a thesaurus website and put in different words, finally deciding that my last name should be something for me to aspire to. At the time signing up for CDH took all of the bravery I could muster, and I wasn't brave enough to share my CD side with anyone in the "real" world I decided that some form of bravery might help me face what was to come in my CD life. I searched for words that meant brave on the thesaurus sight and when I saw Valiant, I knew that was it.

As others have already replied, there is no rush to pick a name and many change their name over time as they feel they need to or want to.



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Estimable Member     Walkertown, North Carolina, United States of America
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@augustvaliant I decided Britney for two reasons. One I looked like a Britney in my pics. Two Britney just felt normal to me.

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FWIW Autumn, I love your name.  When I see it I think there's a strong, powerful, badass woman!  And if you're not feeling it, you can fake it until you make it!

So good to see you on the Forums again.  It's been a while....I think.

Hugs, Emily

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Illustrious Member     Montana, United States of America
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Hi again Britney you made a wonderful choice with Britney as like the girls here have said its a personal choice as how you feel when looking in the mirror and saying hi to yourself if Britney feels right then Britney it is till its not right again then you can change it  good luck girlfriend Britney ..

Stephanie Bass

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Estimable Member     Walkertown, North Carolina, United States of America
Posts: 59

@fishingr8 Thank you very much 💋


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