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Making friends is so simple, send or receive a request and 'BAM' we end up at the bottom of a freinds list never to be heard of again?
In real life we meet strangers who we form a natural bond with which given time turns into a natural freindship, people who we would go out of our way to bump into. Living in a secret fantasy land is not so easy for me, I have never met another cross dresser or a significant other, weeks or months pass by without adventures or even having anything worthwhile to talk about, I don't know of any Cd freindly shops or cafes so as I sit hovering over my freinds page I have absolutely no idea what would remotely interest anyone else?
I am not interested in trying to beat the world record for unknown freindships but I have a few who I really like so it's to them I must appologise to, I haven't forgotten you or ignoring you, I'm just waiting for something to happen 🙂
Sally xx
Hello sally nice to have you here on C.D.H. yes that is true, we have tons of friends, hard to keep in touch with all of them. and yes its hard to find a x dressing friendly place to go and meet others. there is one where i live but to far to travel especially at 7pm at night. its called Buffalo Bells and the meeting is once a moth in checktawaga N.Y . hard for me to go out to drive, plus dress up and go out to meeting. so here i sit at home when no one is home and dress up. wife knows i dress up lets me when our adult child is not home. but will not let me sit in same room as her, she has seen me getting dressed up and seen me dressed up when i was in kitchen and she came in kitchen, nothing was said but i know she mumbles under her breath, but it seems that she is getting better at me being dressed up. well have a nice day
Agreed. I probably have friends on social media who I've never met. On a site like facebook, those types will not be on my friends list very long. I don't want people I've never met tracking my activities. The ones who stay are those who I have befriended in real life, or have met at least once.
Only social media networks like CDH or gaming networks like Steam have people who I have never met in real life. I have met transgender people in real life, but their other characteristics (the way they act) don't really make up for someone I would want to hang out with.
<p style="text-align: left;">Well said, Sally. And I am not great about keeping up. I should try to do better.</p>
Hi sally,
I met a internet friend on here in may and had developed what I thought was a close friendship.
The friend isn't on here anymore, however I made a mistake and I was blocked.
I really wanted to be friends with her and I guess I tried too hard.
Anyway it really hurt.
More than I thought.
This Online friendship thing is very difficult.
More and more lately, I'm less inclined to gather more "online friends". Of course you can't avoid the online connection, as that is just the "norm" these days, but I want friends that I can MEET. I have this feeling that the easy online connection is just not that healthy. Attractive as it may be, as it IS much easier, it's just not fulfilling for me. I feel like it makes me more prone to only having that social interaction online, putting off the effort it takes to get out and meet a possible new friend. Adding the "CD" classifier to searching for friends makes the search that much more difficult of course, so here I am. :/
Yes, friendships do take some effort on the part of both parties.