Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
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hi everyone, i joined the site a few months ago but haven't been very active since then. To be honest, it's because I wasn't sure for a while if I would stay and I didn't want to make friends only to disappear!
Like so many here, I began dressing pretty young and have gone through the typical purge cycles with clothing. But I've also gone through a few cycles of "digital purge" where I join a site and spend some time there only to then delete my profile and vow to stay away forever. Like my clothing purges; well, that doesn't seem to last 🙂
I feel I'm finally in a really good place in my head with my dressing and embracing this side of me. I've told my wife and she's supportive. Not totally sure where this will all lead yet but I'm confident my days of purges (physical and digital) are over!
While I've been a bit of a wallflower here, I have seen so much kindness and inclusion that has warmed my heart and made me feel like this is definitely a community that I want to invest in. To get - and give - support.
As I've read profiles, articles and so many wonderful posts (and pics) it has surprised me - in a wonderful way - how much diversity there is here.
On one hand, it's great for me to see that there are so many people like me here and that it seems like every feeling I've had about my dressing over the years has been felt many times over by this community. I am not alone.
On the other hand, I am realizing that we are certainly not all the same. And that makes this place so much more interesting!!!
I won't go too much into myself here. I've added some basics on my profile and will add more and start posting more into the forums and adding more pics (public and private) as I get some looks I like.
In a nutshell*, I'm a happily married forty something from California and over the past year or so my decades of dressing has really experienced a cambrian explosion. Having fun but have a lot of learning ahead - makeup, wigs, shoes, nails, clothes, jewelry and so much more are new to me. Dressing is so familiar. It's been with me most of my life. But there is so much more to explore!
More fun exploring with friends.
Welcome Bryce, so good to have here, welcome to our sisterhood!
Ms. Lauren M
Good luck with your journey,
I hope you will not go extinct like so many life forms.from the Burgess Shale.
Welcome and enjoy tour time here. Yes, we are a diverse bunch.
Welcome and spend as much time as you want here. No one is judged if you disappear for a bit. I have left for months at a time, but have always been welcomed back in as though I never left.
Hi Bryce, welcome to CDH. I hope it offers you all that you hope it will.
Bryce -
Welcome to CDH
Welcome to CDH
Welcome to CDH Bryce nice to meet ya community here you will sure find tones of support guidance and to be able to be you with no judgement TC
Hello Bryce, .🎄🎄 So good to meet you, I so glad you joins us, this is a very good place to be , lots of good nice kind gurls & support here.
Would you like to be Friends , ???
Anytime you like to talk or chat , l lov to Chat
Hi Bryce nice to meet you and happy you found us and joined the girls here as you have been here for a while we hope you have been looking around and reading the forums and posts here.. Well you know as a new sister and family member you are welcomed with open arms into our home as well as yours now also.. Please keep in touch girl as we all love a good old girly chat and congrats on wife being supportive this makes your journey much easier ..
Stephanie Bass
Hi Bryce,
Welcome to CDH.
Welcome aboard Bryce!
Hi Bryce!
Welcome to CDH!
I think you will find the community helpful, encouraging and supportive.
Again, welcome to CDH!