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Good morning everyone I am your average man that has found my soul mate who I am going to marry in 2024
Earlier today I was looking through the forums and thought that it was getting to be the same old posts, over and over.
I stand corrected.
Congratulations, Neil.
Hi Neil,
Welcome to CDH and congratulations on your forthcoming marriage.
I see from your profile that your partner is a crossdresser. Are they a member of the site too?
Congratulations Neil! Welcome to CDH.
Congratulations. I found mine 40 years ago so I can relate.
Thank you everyone I'm humbled by everyone's comments I will pass them on to Julie
Hi Neil,
Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven. I’m new too.
Welcome, good news always makes us happier. Congratulations to you both, and may you always be a happy couple.