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Gemma McDade has joined the house!

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Posts: 7
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Active Member     Warwickshire, United Kingdom
Joined: 5 years ago

Greetings to all on CDH! I’m very new to this world - having known for over 40 years I have a strong female persona within, I find myself on the cusp of being able to release her and step forward. For one thing, she now has a name - Gemma - and that feels very significant. Like many of us, my story is a long and sometimes difficult one, presenting challenges at home, but finally getting to the point where, with patience and consideration to my beautiful wife, Gemma can flourish.

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Posts: 249
Reputable Member     BELFAST, County Antrim, United Kingdom
Joined: 6 years ago

Welcome gemma

This is such a wonderful place. Enjoy cdh.

Sammatha x

Posts: 7139
Illustrious Member     Peterborough , Ontario, Canada
Joined: 8 years ago

Gemma,  it can be a wonderful thing having your partner who is trying to understand and as you  have said considerations are made. Her feelings in this especially for her being the other person drawn in this is most important and matters.  As for my wife it took quite a while for her to process all of this and adjust but slowly she showed willingness to accept me for my feminine desires. Being new you’ll find our site to be most comforting . The girls here are wonderful and are so willing to give there advice and help in every way. Talk to some of them share each other’s stories and develop beautiful friendships . support is everywhere and with an acceptance to move forward in this life we have chosen. Very happy meeting you . Welcome. .

Stephanie 🌹

Posts: 3150
Famed Member     Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States of America
Joined: 8 years ago

Welcome Gemma!


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