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gf of a cross dresser

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Significant Other
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Active Member     Avon, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

I mainly joined to access the significant other forum. My bf of six years told me last week he likes to CD. I was surprised and am still processing, but she’s pretty cute either way.

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Posts: 1435
Noble Member     SF Bay Area, California, United States of America
Joined: 8 years ago

Erica, have fun with it, be adventurous!

Don't shame him and most of all, this has nothing to do with you or who you are!  I'm sure you are a fine, fine woman!  He would not be with you and would not have told you about his dressing had he not had absolute trust in you.  That is priceless!

Browse CDH, there are great resources and information here, and support from a community of people who will support you both!

Again, feel proud and really good for being who you are.  Many of us could not trust many, to tell about what we do.

Love to you both!


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Illustrious Member     Kent, United Kingdom
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Hi hun another SO here join our group and forum we will try to answer any questions you may have


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Illustrious Member     Peterborough , Ontario, Canada
Joined: 8 years ago

Erica welcome,  certainly a surprise and likely something you didn't joined up for. But I do applaud you for you courage to seek answers and of course becoming a member here.  I see through your findings that you've already found our group  wives and significant others ,that's great and I know it's the best place to be for you . And also you've met Kayla how wonderful  she's amazing and very much a helping hand to guide you through here.  Remember one thing as nervous and confused as you may be your bf is also running heavily in her emotions , for her to open up such a dark secret shows how she trust you and wants you in his life. The best to you and your bf .

Stephanie  🌹

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Noble Member     Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 8 years ago

Hi Erica and welcome to CDH.  Sweetie...."Knowledge is Empowering".  Here you will be able to read about and chat about the issue of male cross dressing. He is not weird...there are hundreds of thousands of males who do this. Some may go so far as to Transgender but comparativly speaking....there are a lot less in number. I highly recommend that you read....."Alice in Genderland" by Richard Novic M.D. He is a cross dresser who went over to transgender. This will give you a ton of i nformation that you won't gleen from our sites. It is available on Amazon Kindle...usually for free. It is a wonderful thing you are doing......trying to find out the whys of an activity rather than jumping to conclusions.  If you would like to talk with me in private about things...I would send you my private e-mail. Good luck.....listen and think about and don't pressure him at this time.

Till then........

Dame Veronica Graunwolf  _ Knight Templar and ex military Medic/Therapist.

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Reputable Member     North central, Arkansas, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Erica now that your bf has shared his innermost secret with you I am sure it has left you with A lot of mixed emotions. First off he thinks the world of you and wants to be honest about who he is which is A big plus, so many guys that cd try to keep it from their so's to be found out later with some very bad results on both parties. You have found someone that may be A little different then most men as he will be A lot more caring and understanding and you will find A closer relationship between both of you. So many people have listened to the negative remarks by the very narrow minded about men that enjoy the softer and finer things of life, they think men should be rough and not caring about anything except football, beer, and themselves. You have found someone that will love and care for you for ever and he will be ever faithful.               Sarasue

Posts: 1351
Noble Member     Northampton, Massachusetts, United States of America
Joined: 7 years ago

Hi Erica and welcome!  I am happy you found our site.  And I see you have already been greeted by some of our amazing members.  It certainly can be a surprise and does take time to process.  So please ask questions here and in the significant other section and if I can be of any help here please let me know.

hugs, Michelle

Posts: 149
Estimable Member     Chicago, Illinois, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Hi Erica. I recently (well, in the last 6 months) told my fiancé everything. I’m not sure on your BFs emotions and feelings about this topic of you but I can share my feelings when I told her. I broke down. Cried my eyes out for a couple nights straight worried she wouldn’t accept the real me. For me, it’s more than just clothing. I was never a particularly masculine guy and always fit in with the girls since about age 5. Yet somehow after high school, I adopted an overly masculine mask. I hid from everyone including myself; and that’s the person I believed my soon to be wife fell in love with. Recently, it became too much to hold in anymore and I let it free. It was the most terrifying, happy and sad week all at the same time. I have now seeked professional counseling to better help me become who I’ve always felt I am. I don’t know if your boyfriend shares this sane feeling or just the attraction to a softer feminine side. Either way, support from an incredible SO like yourself means the world to people in our situation. My fiancé recognized that it was incredibly hard to hear me tell her these things but she saw how afraid I was and how hard it was for me to share my true self. Like I said. Your support means everything to him, and he clearly loves, trusts, and respects you to a level where he will share his deepest secrets with you. I hope you find the answers you’re looking for here!



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