Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
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Good morning. I am Rachael and new here. 🙂
Welcome to CDH Rachael 🙂 This is the site to be on for support and community with other girls from all over the world. Do dive right in and chat with us! I look forwards to getting to know you through forum posts and PMs etc., and as you fill out your profile information which many of us use to find out who we're talking to. I doubt you'll need it being a CD of long experience already, but there's also a lot of useful information on the site to look through. Have a wander around and start posting whenever you're ready 🙂
Fiona xxx
Thank you all for the welcome. I'm very appreciative in such a warm welcome. There are a lot of scary chat places out there, on the internet, and I am lucky to have found this place with all of you. I guess I should give you a brief history of myself and my road to here, now that I am sneaking up on 72. LOL... Many, many, MANY years ago I started, as a child, with under garments, that all went away as I made it through high school and 4 years in the service before I started, in earnest, about the feelings, the clothing, and emotional purpose of it all. Married with children made dressing a challenge but the 'other' life is possible. I found LV Renaissance 30 some years ago, with a counselor named Patty, who was helping the whole gender spectrum of us, and I found my place in it all. My children grew up and my wife knew about the time and was not happy or accepting of it. It was packed way for many years, for the sake of family, and I never regret that. I have to admit that I was very active in group outreach and going out with friends. I didn't, at the time, understand that was too much for that moment. Live and learn... Many years later, I find myself being my wife's caretaker after a couple of health setbacks. Now it has now resurfaced as a personal emotional boost as I take on this role and it is very much secretive and that is ok. Where are the tomorrows? Just live in today, try to understand yourself and your place in the world, and you will find out down the road. 🙂 Thank you all again. Rachael
A big welcome from me Rachael. I wish you all the very best for your tomorrows and am quite certain so will all your soon to be friends here. Looking forward to seeing you around.
Hi Rachael and welcome!
Welcome to CDH Rachael!
Hi Rachael,
Welcome to CDH from another senior.
Hi Rachael nice to meet you and happy you found and joined us girls here so do some looking around and reading of the forums and posts from so many ladies here telling there stories about there journeys down the femme road they are on in life.. As a new sister and family member you are welcomed with open arms into our home as well as yours now also.. So girl when you get comfortable with us please join in with a story or two about the life and times of Rachael as she travels down her own girly path in life.. Now as for making friends here there are so many ladies from all over the world to build long lasting friendships with and best of all we are just a simple click away from you.. When you feel up to it please return to your profile page and fill in more please as this is how we get to know you better thanks.. Once again girlfriend nice to meet you and hope to see you around for a chat sometime soon..
Stephanie Bass
Welcome it is great to have you here. This is such a wonderful place to be your true self without judgement and make new friends.
Hi Rachael!
Welcome to CDH!
Like some many have said on this thread I think you will find the community helpful, encouraging and supportive.
Again, welcome to CDH!