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Greeting from Southern Ontario, Canada.

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Eminent Member     Greater Windsor area, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 11 months ago

Hello, ladies and girls 

Glad to be here.  My full name is Jennifer Olivia Robinson, I would say that I am fairly early in my CD journey.  I started exploring my femme side about 5 yrs ago.  Pretty sure this deeply buried side of myself emerged in force when I went through a particularly difficult portion of my teaching career (an anti-Arts principal who tried to constructively dismiss me...she failed, but I remain somewhat PTSD from the experience.)  I discovered the hit of dopamine from experiencing the feminine was a really good way for me to stave off my residual depression. 

Anyway, I am happy to say that, based on what I have read so far, I think that I might have found my tribe here.  I suspect that that I might be able to find real community here, which is nice considering that I have no real outlet /opportunity to step out en femme in my everyday life... so I underdress then pop into comfy clothes after work.  Often, I wear breastforms on my commute to and from work. (Gotta love the jiggle! )

So, I am a teacher, cellist,  actor,  author, parent, and pretty deeply closeted CD'er.  Wife, brother, daughter and her friend group know about my femme side.  I suspect that some of my fellow teachers would be accepting, since I am "that artsy, drama-trained guy who is game for anything."


I look forward to getting to know you all, learning from your experiences /insight,  as well as sharing mine when I can.

Take care, all.  

May all your endeavors be successful, and may your days be FABULOUS!



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Prominent Member     Nevada, United States of America
Posts: 875


Hello  Jenny  welcome to CDH I am glad you have shared a part of who you are. I am also happy you have family close to support you in being your complete self around them.

Having found us you have made the step to become part of a family that is welcoming, understanding, compassionate, and supportive. While we are all similar and have many of the same desires we all differ on our goals or levels of closeted dressing or underdressing or public expression and or personal experiences. I encourage you to explore the many forums, topics, polls and member biographies found here as there are a wide range of members all over the spectrum of feminine expression from differing levels of crossdressing to those on the path to transition and those that have. There are also links to websites that have products and services that may help you on your own personal path of self acceptance and expression. Ultimately it is a place, home, or space were you can feel feel comfortable and confident in who you are that you are not alone and this is a place where you can feel safe to express and share part of yourself as being who you truly are as your authentic self of you being a man, a woman, a man who dresses as a woman, if it makes you a better complete human being expressing your feminine desires feelings and or qualities. I am happy you are here and have made a choice to accept this part of yourself as self acceptance is the most important thing you can do for yourself and others. You can’t expect others to accept you if you don’t accept yourself all of you. For some it means remaining private for some telling a select few ultimately you have to do whats best for your own situation and you ultimately know best. I appreciate you are sharing a part of your authentic self here on CDH it ultimately lifts some of the burden that you may be feeling which many of us have carried for what seems like a lifetime you are not alone. Being here helps not only yourself but helps others gain acceptance and confidence in themselves. I am happy you have made the step to be here. Welcome!


Hugs April

Joined: 2 years ago

Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 3996

@jennyor Welcome to CDH, Jenny!

Life can be complicated, eh? You are dressing as much as you are comfortable doing, so I hope you can continue. You have about five years of experience, too, so you should be able to give good advice to other CDs.

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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
Posts: 2158


Hi, Jenny and welcome to the family 😊.

I think that I might have found my tribe here.  I suspect that that I might be able to find real community here

You are right in both assumptions, this is a genuinely safe and supportive community of (very lovely) like-minded people. I carried the secret for over 50 years, only my wife knew for the last 20 or so.

Then I found this oasis of sanity and suddenly I'm no longer alone! I can share things here that nobody but my wife knows, and then some 😃. And my story is not unique, many of us share similar life stories and experiences.



Joined: 4 years ago

Noble Member     Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 1488

@jennyor Welcome to CDH Jenny. I’m sure you will find a lot of great ladies here. I know I love it here. And great to have a neighbor as I’m just east of Toronto.

Joined: 1 year ago

    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
Posts: 1444

@jennyor Welcome to CDH Jenny 🙂

Posted by: @jennyor

I think that I might have found my tribe here.

I love this way of thinking about this community.  You're quite right, the wonderful sisterhood on this site gives me a real sense of belonging and it sounds like you also see this for you.  I rather suspect you're going to like it here 🙂 

Thank you for your full intro and for including lots of detail on your profile, this really helps us to start to get to know you!  Looking forward to reading more in your forum posts and chats.

Fiona xxx

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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
Posts: 5177


Hey Jenny

Welcome to CDH 🙂

Since we're sharing full names, mine is Ellen Sarah Davis.

You're right that this IS very much a community - a warm, supportive and inclusive space. The girls here are wonderful, and you'll quickly make friends.

There's lots to explore. The more you poke about, the more you'll find.

If you need help with anything, just shout.

Hugs (and jiggles)

Ellie x

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Noble Member     Staffordshire, United Kingdom
Posts: 1004


Hi Jenny,

Welcome to your tribe! 

We are a very warm and friendly group who are always here to support each other.

That’s a wonderful intro you’ve posted. I think you’re going to fit in here just great.

It seems as if you’ve already had a good look around and like what you see, so feel free to join in with anything you like the look of.

We love to chat, so looking forward to getting to know you better


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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
Posts: 1497


Hi Jenny, welcome to CDH.

Thank you for that fab intro. Makes me ashamed of the one line I put when I joined a few months ago!

Your thoughts and suspicions are perfectly correct; this is your tribe, this is your community. You're part of an amazingly supportive sisterhood, in a safe and positive environment. You can talk freely here, so please do share those stories!

Posts: 1709
Famed Member     London , Kent, United Kingdom
Joined: 2 years ago

Hey Jennifer, you have indeed found your tribe. This is without doubt the most supportive, friendly, non-judgemental and most importantly safe space to share your love of your feminine side. The girls here are at every different level of crossdressing and you can be assured there are plenty who mirror your circumstances. Personally I am deeply closetted, but other ladies are out and about in their everyday lives. Read the forums and articles, ask questions, just jump in and have fun, you're very welcome.

Hugs, Chrissie xx. 

Posts: 6022
Illustrious Member     Montana, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

Hi Jenny nice to meet you and happy you found and joined us girls here so get settled in relax and enjoy yourself here .. Well girl as a new sister and family member you are welcomed with open arms into our home as well as yours now also.. There is a wealth of knowledge and experience here to learn from so look around and do some reading of these forums and posts from so many ladies here telling there stories about there journeys down the femme road they are on in life.. So girl when you get comfortable with us please join in with a story or two about the life and times of Jenny as she travels down her own girly path in life.. Now as for making friends here there are so many ladies from all over the world to build long lasting friendships with and best of all we are just a simple click away from you.. Once again girlfriend nice to meet you and hope to see you around for a chat sometime soon..

Stephanie Bass

Posts: 1112
Duchess Annual
Noble Member     Panama, Panama, Panama
Joined: 7 years ago

Hi Jenny. 

Nice to meet you. For your complete introduction I can tell you belong to our tribe. Each one has her own journey. We are here to encourage each other, to show solidarity and try to ensure that we can all move forward on our own path, enjoying who we are and with the freedom to express ourselves as we are and in the way we love to do it.


Posts: 7792
Illustrious Member     Near Burlington, Vermont, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

Hi Jenny,

Welcome to CDH.  Isn’t it wonderful to find a home?


Posts: 7
Topic starter
Eminent Member     Greater Windsor area, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 11 months ago

Wow!  Such a welcome!  💋💋😁💝💖🥰

<image of Jenny, hugging each of you.>

Posts: 675
Prominent Member     Henderson, Nevada, United States of America
Joined: 2 years ago

Hi Jenny!

Welcome to CDH!

I think you will find the community helpful, encouraging and supportive.

From your introduction, as others have said, I will say you have found your tribe here.

Great community here that you can experience at your own pace as you feel comfortable.

Again, welcome to CDH!


Posts: 1778
Baroness Annual
Famed Member     New York, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

Welcome aboard Jenny!

Posts: 328
Honorable Member     Not in New Orleans, Louisiana, United States of America
Joined: 3 years ago

Hi Jenny and welcome!


Posts: 14
Eminent Member     Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 5 years ago

from one Canadian to another 


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Eminent Member     Greater Windsor area, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 7

@rebekahlt .... hey sis.  Xxoo.  Where I. Canada are you?  I'm in the area of Windsor,  Ontario.


Joined: 5 years ago

Eminent Member     Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 14

@jennyor I call Ottawa home, always like to make contact with fellow Canadians

Posts: 137
Estimable Member     Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 3 years ago

welcome to the forum Jenny from an Oshawa sister

Posts: 14
Eminent Member     Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 5 years ago

Welcome from an Ottawa based sister 


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