Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
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Hello, new girl from New York. I'm mature, very late bloomer and have been dressing for a few years now. My GF has been very supportive and has helped me on this journey. One goal i do have is for the two of us to go together. I hope to meet and make friends here and learn a few things along the way... Paula
Welcome. I just know that you will like it here
They were all very helpful with me. So I'm sure it will be with you
Welcome, Paula.
I'm sure that, like me, you will find inspiration and support here,
Welcome Paula! Glad to have you join are community! As you explore the site's articles, forums, chat, and more, you will find an incredible group of people offering support and friendship!
Also, so very wonderful to hear that you have a supportive SO! I have a similar goal with my wife! So I am rooting for you! Please reach out if you have any questions, I am happy to answer.
Welcome Paula, have fun on your journey
Paula happy to welcome you . Starting this journey is a very important part in our lives and like you I too only discoverd my calling very much later in life . Cdh is a wonderful place and has help me in so many ways. To enjoy such a experience I know couldn't be possible if not for the beautiful ladies here. With their advice was instrumental in me being who I am and the support certainly propelled me to explore express myself more. making friendships is so wonderful and their help and advice really is important and motivates one to open more about our feelings . Dream of being who you are and in time do what makes you feel happy. The best to you in your goals and hope you have your moment of a girls day out. Sounds beautiful.
SStephanie 🌹
hello paula. this is a great place to learn new things and progress further into your journey. I hope you enjoy your time with us 🙂
fiona xxx
I thank all of you beautiful ladies for the very warm greeting. 🙂
Hello Paula and Welcome!
I'm on the West Coast, but glad to make your acquaintance! You will find a great many thing here, in particular all the beautiful ladies!
Glad you are here!
Welcome to CDH, Paula.
Welcome, Paula, from Buffalo.
Welcome Paula
Philysis from New York City