Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
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My name is Sarah, I am brand new to this site. I just want to say hello to everyone. Hello
Hello Sarah. I am relatively new myself, but like me I am sure you will enjoy CDH. Friendly friendly gurls who are supportive.
Hi, Sarah
I'm a newbie, myself...only a few weeks; but I found it to be a very friendly and welcoming place to be. Hope it will be the same for you.
Hi Sarah! Welcome to the site, so many wonderful women here to discuss topics ,share stories and experiences of stepping out.
xo Shannon
Hi, Sarah and welcome to C.D.H. you will find us girls very under standing and friendly. look around the site. feel free to read my profile
Sarah, Welcome Start enjoying all that were about. Meet with many of our ladies here and talk about anything you like. Much to see and do . Nice to meet and look forward to seeing you around here soon.
Stephanie 🌹
Hello, thank you
This is a new world for me. Thank you for your appreciation. I am at a loss for words right now I just want to say Thank You.
Thank you . I can't wait to explore this site
Hi Jen, very pleased to meet you.
Hi Sarah,
A big hello and welcome from the UK. I have made many friends in a short space of time on CDH, it is a wonderful and fun place to be. I am happy to chat anytime.
Jessica x.
Hi, I was born in Ipswich. Very glad to meet you
Welcome to CDH Sarah.I am a UK girl myself.I am from South Wales.Enjoy this site and make friends.I am sure you will.
Hello Sarah
Enjoy its a wonderful place.
Sam x
Welcome Sarah!