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Hello im Linda from Sweden, I have been cd for a few years now. Im here for chat and inspiration. Have a Wife and im thinking of telling her all about this....but its scary. Sorry for my bad english 🙂
Hi Linda,
Your English is great, far better that what my Swedish is.
Jessica x
A warm welcome to CDH Linda.
Welcome Linda !
I'm also over 50 and married and she only knows a little...... I plan on having the talk at some point with her too. But I plan on gradual introduction of a few things first....
I think you will find many CDH members in a similar life situation as yourself. Read some forums, some articles and check out some profiles. I'm sure you will find plenty of ladies here that you fit in very well with.
thanks for your warm welcome. Mine know little also i think, i forget things sometimes...like makeup, clothes. i have some bad excuses to her then so she must be suspicious. I will start read forum and other very soon. it will be helpful
Welcome Linda to CDH. We are glad you are here and your English is great. I know how you feel regarding your wife and I hope you can decide when and how to tell her.
Hello Linda.
Linda, a big hello from over here in Canada. I hear you for your dilemma in not telling your wife. It 's certainly a emotional moment but one that should be done. In time with a little help here and your confinance to start showing that day may be aroynd the corner. Get comfortable and start enjoying all that were about. Meet with many of our ladies here and talk about anything you like. Much to see and do . Nice to meet and look forward to seeing you around here soon.
Welcome. ...
Stephanie 🌹
Hi honey
Very difficult. Huge support and articles about your situation. You have lots of support on cdh love sam xx