Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
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Hi. My femme name is Susan. I am new to dressing. I'm excited about dressing but afraid..trying to understand the urge to dress.
Looking for friends.
Hi Susan! Welcome to CDH! Everyone's journey is uniquely their own, but in reading some thing and perhaps talking to some people you might find some insight into your own motivations. And keep in mind that this may change as you go along - you don't have to settle on a single reason.
We're glad to have you here!
Hello and welcome - Im new too and have had such a warm welcome.
I am sure you will too
Hey Susan, you are so welcome! As Melodee says, we are all on our own individual journey. But here at CDH we all share something in common, and that binds us all together. There's no need to feel afraid. And I think trying to understand the urge to dress is unproductive. There's shed loads of discussion on this here and I don't believe anyone has nailed it. Best to just go with the flow. We are how we are. Embrace your feminine side and enjoy the journey. You'll find some of the girls here are out to wives, family and friends, and are dancing at the local club en femme. Others, like me, are 100% closetted and dressing opportunities are ridiculously rare. I feel no fear or guilt, I just love those fleeting opportunities to slip into something girly, but I'm extremely careful not to get outed. One of the girls here will be exactly at your stage so read the forums, ask questions and rest assured you will find support. If you fancy it, pop some details into your profile and let us know a bit more about you.
Hugs, Chrissie xx.
Hi Susan.
Welcome to CDH, a friendly, understanding and supportive community.
Hi Susan,
Welcome to CDH.
Susan -
Welcome to CDH
Hi Susan and welcome!
Susan - relax and enjoy the experience: you'll LOVE it! Holly XXX
thank you!
Hi Susan,
Welcome to this beautiful community of learning, sharing, and acceptance!
Hi Susan~
Welcome to CDH. You will find loads of information and lovely, sweet ladies who are happy to share their experiences with you.
Welcome, Susan! I don't think there's a one of us who hasn't asked 'why', but at some point for me the why stopped being important and acceptance became the goal. Since then, I am more comfortable in my own skin, more confident in the world (en femme and en drab), and more open with my friends, my family, and myself. I wish as much for you in your journey. You've come to the right place for support and commmunity!
Susan, Welcome dipping your toes into the pond, is very exciting.
Hi Susan nice to meet you and happy you found and joined us girls here so as these many wonderful ladies here have said all ready i cant add to them much .. The one thing i can say is as a new sister and family member you are welcomed with open arms into our home as well as yours now also.. Like Miss Chrissie Smith has mentioned if you please return to your profile page and fill in some more please as this is how we get to know you better thanks.. If your still worried and afraid after being here a bit and reading these forums and posts just remember girlfriend we don't bite well a few girls do be careful (ha ha ) just kidding .. Once again girlfriend nice to meet you and hope to see you around for a chat sometime soon..
Stephanie Bass