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Hi there!! I’m Jo. I was here once before, a few years back . Felt the guilt overwhelming me and had a big purge. I’ve been attracted to…no wait… addicted to all things silk , satin , and lace since I was 12. A dare from a sister had me try panties on and I was instantly addicted. Met my wife in school, we wed at 19… that was 36 years ago. We raised 4 amazing kids to adulthood, and managed to stay deeply in love, and together thru all that time. My wife is my best friend. She is not a fan of dressing but tolerates me to a point. I’m always in panties,24 removed link I wear satin camis to bed, Ladies high waisted jeans , leggings and shorts. I’ve been trying to take a deep look into myself, sort myself out if you will… I’m all guy on the outside, a tradesman , a farmer, an outdoorsman, but on the inside a lady, one who adores relationship, loves all things pink and feminine, who cry’s during movies…even before my wife…lol. I’ve had to take breaks from dressing, suppress it through out my life. Raising a family while working in industry surrounded by the macho egos is not the best place to be feminine. But now with an empty nest I have more time to be feminine, to dress how I like…within limits. Thanks for letting me back… I look forward to meeting all of you , learning and sharing with you as we go. Blessings…Jo
Hi Jo, welcome to CDH.
I’m across the pond from you, and fairly new as well.
But you are among friends here, so relax and enjoy.
Hugs, Tamara xxx
Interesting name, Joanna! Welcome! Do you love rock and roll too?
What a wonderful part of the world you live in. I've seen a little of it - amazing skiing! I'll never forget the drive up the Sea to Sky Highway along the shore of Howe Sound on the way to Whistler.
Interesting too how many (all?) of us have purged at least once. And also how it never seems to work.
I have the opposite problem now: binge buying women's clothes, and everything else that goes a long with them.
Anyway, welcome back, hope you have fun here.
Hi Jo,
Welcome back to CDH! It nice to meet you.
Hello Joanna ,
🎄🎄 Marry Christmas & Happy Holidays to you and your family and friends !!!!
Welcome to to CDH , Glad to see you . Glad you Joined us.
Please feel free to reach out any time , even if you like to just Chat a bit !!.
Hello Joanna ,
🎄🎄 Marry Christmas & Happy Holidays to you and your family and friends !!!!
Welcome to to CDH , Glad to see you . Glad you Joined us.
Please feel free to reach out any time , even if you like to just Chat a bit !!.
Hi Joan Jett she was such a pretty lady in her day and guessing you are too.. So nice to meet you and happy you found the porch light we leave on to find your way home he he .. Girl please rekindle old friendships and start some new ones and don't be a stranger please say hello sometime as we all love to girly chat .. Also if you or your wife are interested there is a group here called For Wife's and Significant others Look into it as for just your wife to have a place to chat with others like her self about all the things going on in our girly life .. A safe place just for them to chat No pressure just an idea if she would be interested..
Stephanie Bass
Welcome back to CDH.
Welcome back Joanna!
I remember you!
Hi Joanna!
Welcome back to CDH!
I think you will find the community helpful, encouraging and supportive as ever!
Again, welcome back to CDH!